Chapter 10

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A/N: Hello🥺 is anyone still reading this? Sorry for being MIA. I just got home from a week vacation 🤭
Here's a filler for today, I'll try to update another chapter later😉

Author's pov

"Alright. Let me do the honor Boss Drake." Aly smirked and started telling them the reason.

They hopped on the helipad to go back and prepare for the war that will took place in three hours. While on their way, Aly keeps on telling them Mew's colorful life story.

"You know Drake's story when he was a kid right?" Aly asked and they nodded.

"Yeah when he beheaded his two uncles?" John asked pointing at Mew who paid no heed, napping at the backseat.

"Ahuh.. Turns out his two uncles has children. Two from the oldest uncle and one from his other uncle. To make the story short.. those three lunatics are after his head. We just found out recently that they have been looking for him for almost two decades now."

They were all shocked. But Luca can't believe that those people they searched on before was related to him. He is glad his Boss has opened about it to them now.

"They knew about Boss? How did they find him?" John asked.

"Wait.. If they knew boss, then why they haven't spread the information around? Everyone underground are eager to know the real Drake. Even his real name is unknown? Wait, Aly, do you know?" Jackson asked making Luca and John confused as to why as well.

"They want to capture Boss Drake.. They won't be able to do their revenge if they do that.. There's a lot of mafia gangs who are after Boss Drakes life, so they don't want any rivals to get ahead of their plans..?" John guessed.

"No, I doubt they do. They are having a hard time looking for Drakes information. They are familiar with him as Drake, but the real him they don't."

"Right, you mentioned it before that they were also digging unto our legal businesses. The legal documents of the parties involved must be accessible. Then why.." Aly shooked his head as he explained.

"Our business transactions are protected by blockchain. No one can access it. That is why our clients prefer us all the time. The transactions done are received and sent through codes not by names. Even if you are direct receiver from Drake, they won't be able to dig anything on his datas with the blockchain securing it. That is why Drake's information is still anonymous till now."

"So why did Athena said she knew something about Drake." Jackson asked.

"It was because of me. I have a sister, older than me. I don't know where she went or if she is still alive. I've been looking for her ever since. I keep my identity open in public just in case she wants to find me. My phone is open for all emails, chats, or calls. Athena found out there was something going on with Drake's private investigator. She wasn't able to get through their phones and pc so she went through mine. So to make the story short.. I blew her head off because she laid her filthy body on my car." they all laughed at how Al ended the story inserting his fury.

"HAHAHAHAHA come on Al, I saw your new wife earlier. Boss Drake must have compensated for your loss."

"As he should!" and just like that, their ride back to the playhouse was filled with laughters as if no bloody war awaits them.

When they arrived, they gathered the troops and started briefing their designated assignments. Each in every team has a respective duty, they must perform successfully.

"There is no room for mistakes here. Am I clear?!" Mew shouted his command.

"Be mindful of your surroundings. Take down all the enemies. Show no mercy on your opponents, but at the same time keep an eye on your team." Mew said while they started getting ready.

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