Lighting the Torch (pt.1)

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The light suddenly subsided as several thumps soon echoed throughout the large room. Several consecutive cries of pain soon followed as T put his hands down and approached the group who began to stand up from their sudden fall.

???: Ow! Wait, where are we?

??? 2: Are you ok your majesty?

???: Yes, but where are we? And where are the rest of the girls?

??? 3: I believe it's only us, though something's not right. Why does this look like a theater?

T: Hello ladies, nice of you to drop by.

His voice soon made the group suddenly straighten up, soon getting into formation and drawing their weapons as well as their riggings. T smiled and soon clapped his hands once, soon the items the women were holding disappeared as a shout of surprise came from a specific little girl.

???: Wha-What is this?!

T: Now your majesty, it's a bit rude to shoot at random people now, is it?

???: Ho-How do you know my title?!

T rolled his eyes and gave a small gesture to the crown on top of the girl's head.

T: How about that top-heavy hat on your head, kind of hard not to notice it.

???2: Don't speak ill of her majesty's crown!

T threw up a shrug and turned around, soon reaching into his pocket but soon emitting a disappointed sigh as his hand lay on a single bulge.

T (whisper): Dammit, old sassy pants got my lighter.

As T continued to grumble a white-haired woman soon stepped forwards, her posture still defensive as she stared at T.

???3: What do you want from us? You didn't bring us here just for a chat.

T soon smiled as he slowly clapped his hands, turning around back towards the group with a chuckle.

T: Well well Enterprise, congratulations.

Enterprise's eyes widened as she slid back, her hands raising into fists.

Enterprise/???4: How did you-/ Oh?

T: What? Do you think I would just summon people without knowing who they are? That's stupid.

???: Oh yeah? Then what about the rest of u-

T: Queen Elizabeth, Hood, Belfast, and the two brooding sisters with spears also known as Bismarck and Tirpitz.

Queen Elizabeth's face soon morphed into shock as Hood and Belfast placed themselves in front of the queen. Meanwhile, Bismarck gave an amused chuckle as Tirpitz raised an eyebrow at the situation.

Bismarck: Impressive, what kind of intel network do you use to get this information?

T: Trade secret, now if you all mind do take a seat.

Enterprise: You expect us to fall for something like that?

T: Not everything is a trap dumbass.

Enterprise: Wha-Why yo-

Anne: Enough!

The group soon turned to see Anne slowly walking towards them, her cane softly thumping against the ground as she approached them with a small frown on her face.

T: Hey, you didn't happen to know who took my lighter ri- Ack!

Anne swiftly knocked T on the head with her cane, a light thwack sound soon sent the ship girls cringing slightly as T gave a small rub on his head with a silent "F you" releasing from his lips as Anne turned around and gave the group of ship girls a small bow.

Anne: I do apologize for his behavior, he can be quite a troublesome child sometimes.

T: Hey, I'm not a kid!

Anne: Oh hush, now go summon our presenter and I can handle these fine ladies, ok?

T grumbled as he gave a dismissive hand wave, soon making his way to the stage as the rest of the group's sweat dropped.

Anne: Anyways, please make yourself comfortable. I made mandelbrot as well as some fig and chocolate hamantaschen, so please eat up!

Anne snapped her fingers and soon a large cart with two layers of trays rolled out, each brimming with food as a sweet aroma filled the room. The ship girls exchanged glances as Bismarck and Tirpitz nervously glanced at the old women, who soon caught onto the two looking and smiled.

Anne: Oh please, you two can take some as well. Come on now, eat!

Queen Elizabeth looked at the food in front of her with wide shimmering eyes, however, soon shook her head as crossed her arms, and closed her eyes as she looked upwards.

Queen Elizabeth: How deceiving of you, I will not fall for such threats of trickery. As the royal sovereign of the Royal Navy, I shall stand firm against this te-

Suddenly the sound of liquid hitting a bottom of a mug brought Queen Elizabeth to look again at the old woman who stood with a mug and a kettle pouring out a liquid that made Queen Elizabeth's eyes widen.

Anne: I also made some sachlav, if you want any of course.

Belfast gave a small look at the small battleship who kept her gaze at the steaming cup and cart with a smile before soon approaching Anne and gave a curtsey before then nodding.

Belfast: I sure do hope that those drinks don't contain too much sugar.

Anne: And what's wrong if it does-

Suddenly a loud crack was heard from the stage, the floor soon shaking as a loud shout broke through the air.

T: Oi, calm down you b*tch!

The ship girls and Anne soon turned to see T blocking another strike from women who soon launched herself into the air. Her movement blurred her shape and not allowing for a clear view as the newcomer soon drew a saber, its handle drawing the attention of one specific woman as it stopped to clash with T's knife.

Hood: Wait, isn't that my old saber?

Q.E: What?! Why haven't I heard about this saber?!

Hood: It was impractical as my role in the fleet didn't allow for close quarters combat, and I'm not a big fan of such things. Gets caught in my dress too easily.

Belfast: Then that begs the question, why is it here?

The woman soon whipped her head when the voices soon reached her ears. Her eyes soon grew wide as she soon forgot her quarrel with T and soon lunged at the group of ship girls. Belfast soon stepped in front of the women and parried the oncoming attack, forcing the attacker to fly back. T however was ready and soon flew into the women with a low shoulder to the abdomen. A grunt was heard as the silhouette fell to the ground, soon shocking Azur Lane as a tan bush hat touched the ground.

Hood (Kr): Oh, bloody h*ll that was not a good spot.

Note: If you want a picture toRedditreddit has a good picture by KimDrawer. They can draw way better than me, so hope you enjoy it.

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