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"Finally we're back!" Naruto shouted out happily. It had taken time but he and the old pervert of a teacher finally found Tsunade. Of course it hadn't been easy, they got into a fight when the old women (although he still didn't get why she hide her true age under the illusion of someone that looked to be in their mid twenties) started to bad mouth the Hokages. To Naruto that was unforgivable, especially since the death of the Third still hurt him deeply, the old man had been like a grandfather to him and his death hit him hard. Well the fight had been pretty much one sided until he tried the rasengan. It hadn't been complete but it was enough to get her to make a bet with him that he couldn't master it in a week.

Well after all the training he finally got it and just in time, since Orochimaru had found her to fix his arms and he found out that Kabuto, a fellow Leaf ninja he met in the chunin exams had been a spy for Orochimaru all along. While Jiraiya fought Orochimaru he fought to save Tsunade from Kabuto and used a finished rasengan for the first time. Although he blacked out from something Kabuto had done when he woke up he had her necklace and was told they beat back Orochimaru. So then they started on home, and there he was with Jiraiya, Tsunade and her apprentice Shizune holding Tsunade's pet pig Tonton.

"Come on, you promised to heal Sasuke and Kakashi-sensei!" Naruto told her dragging her through the gates.

"Alright just hold your horses," She told him as the blond buxom women walked through the gates. She never thought she would be back here, let along take on the leadership role of the village but the kid opened her eyes. She smiled looking down at the blond haired boy, he reminded her so much of her little brother and his love of the village was like how her lover Dan had loved the village.

Looking over the village she had to admit, nothing much had changed on the surface. But in a strange way it actually felt a bit nice coming back, it was nicer than she had thought it would feel. She looked up at the mountain with the faces of her grandfather, granduncle, and her sensei up there with the Fourth's face too. She smiled looking at the familiar faces and strangely enough she actually felt like she was coming home. For so long her own bitterness at the losses of two important people in her life had obscured her view of the village and now with it gone she could see the reasons why they had loved this village.

"Oh come on, Ero-sennin can't you get Baachan to move it?" Naruto asked.

"Naruto she has to take up the job of Hokage first, and at least let her settling in for a bit. Why don't you drop all your stuff at your place and meet us at the Hokage's tower when you're done?" Jiraiya said and then thought about it and gave him a little money back. "Here get some ramen while you're here too."

Naruto's face lightened up immediately, "Thanks Ero-sennin!"

"Stop calling me that brat!" He shouted at him.

"How about Pervy Sage then?"

"That's basically the same thing!"

Naruto gave him that fox like grin as he ran off to get ramen and then drop his stuff off at his place. Jiraiya muttered about the lack of respect in the youth of today. Tsunade smirked as she watched the two of them, they were quite the pair and she could tell that he really liked the boy. She remembered when he swore he never wanted to take on another student after the Minato had died against the Kyuubi, but it seemed that Naruto had won him over.

"Jiraiya there's something I've been meaning to ask about Naruto, his last name is Uzumaki right? Is he related to Kushina?" She asked him as they all walked on.

Jiraiya nodded his head, "Yes, he's their son."

Tsunade nodded her head in understanding but Shizune looked confused.

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