"More like what did that man do to you?" she wondered and turned this way and that, in pursuit of whoever she looked for. Her attention divided, Mila said, "I saw you linking him up with Juliette McAllister."

The realisation made River laugh.

"That man is Harry Styles," she said. Mila's head shot back to River's direction. The group chat may or may not have received the update on what was currently going on with said man. While Aaliyah agreed that River was a princess for drinking with a straw, she cursed the man for talking behind River's back like she wasn't partially the reason he had a job. Mila simply detested him.

"Say no more," she grunted and turned as the waiter walked by, then lifted two flutes of champagne off of the tray. Keeping hold of one, she passed the other one to River and she took it gladly. "Actually, do explain why you're setting him up with Juliette."

Exhaling deeply, River was about to say it was her brother's idea but her other brother, the eldest, took his place on the stairs. A microphone in his hand to intensify the sound of his voice as he greeted the guests.

"If we could please find my dear sister in the crowd..." he visibly turned his head from side to side to find River. Dorian's voice faltered, then he spoke again as people all around looked for her. "...please let's have her teleported to my side."

The crowd laughed. If not because they were genuinely entertained, then because they had to give some form of reaction. River smiled as she weaved her way through the tables, Mila now behind her or hopefully on her own way to her dedicated table.

Dorian continued on speaking about the evening, and how marvellous everything looked. He paid great attention to crediting River as she picked up the front of her gown and made her way up the stairs. Applause sounded as she made it to the top, Dorian's voice now all too clear and loud, Alden's amused grin too in her face. She simply stuck her tongue out at him while her back faced the crowd, then turned and put on an award-winning smile.

"Thank you, everyone," she smiled as she took over Dorian's spot behind the microphone. Cool wind ran down her back, her arms. Caused the hair she turned into a bun to want to fly all over the place. A lone strand escaped and she seamlessly reached up to tuck it behind her ear. "It's great to see so many familiar faces here tonight. I know our grandmother would be most pleased to know our community continues to work together to honour her name."

Third great-grandmother. Though, River doubted anyone cared for the specifics, so she kept her speeches as sweet and vague as possible.

"As I'm sure everyone is aware, our brother, Jax, can't be here on this occasion but he promised to make up for it next year," River announced as her eyes danced over the crowd. "Travelling the world before settling into business is something Grandmother would've encouraged. See the world. Learn all you can. I've heard the chants many'a'times," River grinned as the audience gave her a light chuckle. The closer tables were almost to the steps. That's where the Hamiltons usually sat—two of them already there. Kaia and Jade.

And Harry.

Alden insisted on putting him on their table, even though Mila and Aaliyah were never allowed up there. It pissed River off slightly but she got over it when her mind was needed elsewhere, on much more important matters.

"Some of you may know that our family's had quite a week this week," she smiled, meeting Jade's eyes in the crowd. Kaia bumped in River's line of vision—then Harry. He sat there with his head held high. Shoulders blocked. Spine straight. In that singular moment, River couldn't tell if he was intrigued or bored. "With that in mind, it would only be right if I passed the honour of officiating tonight's fundraiser to my second eldest brother, Alden."

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