Lizzie shook his shoulder gently. She did it repeatedly, slowly getting more and more forceful each time until Scott's head nearly collided with her own from sitting up so quick.

The poor man looked terrified, looking between the two with eyes the way a dear's are in headlights. He was still crying; rocking back and forth slightly as he calmed himself down. The room was silent as he did so, his hosts too scared making a sound would scare him again. 

Eventually, however, Lizzie spoke, "Scott. You alright?" He looked at her for a second, studying her almost, trying to figure out if that was all she was asking, or if there was something between the lines. Either way, he settled for a simple "Yes" as if he wasn't crying, screaming and thrashing as if he had been grabbed and forced to stay in somethings hold.

Joel wasn't convinced. In fact, it made him more suspicious as to why Scott wouldn't tell them anything about why he disappeared And this time, he was done playing games. Done with letting Scott make them oblivious. Done pretending Scott's actions, whatever the reason behind them, were the right thing to do.

Because they weren't. 

Jimmy had stopped going to Joel and Lizzie, instead staying in either the Cod empire or Rivendell. Lizzie, for the most part, had been fine, except for the days she would break down and cry, remembering how Scott would always have steered now stressful meetings into a calm debate arena, how her own brother looked so broken any time he saw he. Katherine had halted their shared plushie business, refusing to take orders for anyone. Gem hadn't left her empire walls, only fWhip and Sausage being allowed to see her; even then she occasionally refused to see them. The two aforementioned rulers stopped taunting Jimmy, keeping to themselves. Pix and his Kingdom had light displays every week, remembering Scott, his rule, and ensuring he would one day return. He never specified dead or alive, it was the one thing he couldn't promise. Shelby offered to keep Rivendell clean and tidy, but even she hardly spoke, just hummed or mumbled softly as she worked. Pearl and her people also cut contact. And Joey, one of their newer Kings, fell silent. No pranks. No pointless arguments. Just silence.

There had been silence for two years now, no explanation. No letters. No confirmation Scott was alright, and Joel, the man who had opened his doors to Lizzie and Jimmy. The man who had tried to hide that he cared for Scott, even though he did. He didn't know why - just had the feeling their past before this life was important. That it collided more than once over the thousands or millions of years they had been alive. Had  finally had enough.

"Scott. I know you obviously don't want us to know, but something has triggered nightmares and I really want to know why. We want to know why. So we can help you and bring you home for good."

Scott looked at him, dumbfounded and lost. He couldn't tell them, it would put them in danger. Trying to help him could kill them. He couldn't be saved, couldn't be pulled from the grips of a fate seemed to be ingrained into his head. He was destined to die or survive without help. He knew he had stayed too long, had let his walls come down and let Joel and Lizzie past them. 

"I want you to know, but you can't."

"Why? What big secret is so important you abandon everyone?"

"Abandon? No. I'm saving you."

"From what Scott? A scandal?"


Joel shut his mouth. He had never thought Scott would leave to protect them. Maybe that was why he had been so adamant to come and go. Say hello, tell them he was fine, and leave. Maybe because guilt had finally caught up with him. Maybe because he was safe enough. Maybe because it could be the last time he sees them.

Scott continued, "Something. Someone. Is hunting me down. It threatened everyone I cared about and love. hasn't let up, always finding me eventually."

"We can he-"

"No. I won't let either of you get hurt. I couldn't forgive myself. Jimmy and the rest of you allies and friends would never forgive me."

And with that, he walked out the bedroom door. Lizzie and Joel knew he was leaving, but they couldn't stop him. They wanted to, but it was unsafe, and if they should grant Scott anything, it's not letting his hard work and endurance go to waste, not when he has survived and kept everyone alive for two years.

- - - -

As the sun rises on the second day of a new year, unaligned to a traditional calendar. He left again. Slipped from the grip of home and warmth, back into the hands of unknown and danger. Gave himself back to the wild, to his brother, hunting him. 

Scott disappeared into the sunrise, as if he had never been to Mezalea at all.

~ ~ ~ ~

Sorry it's late :)

Not proof-read xx

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