Unable to come up with an appropriate response, River squeezed Jade's shoulder as if to show support.

"I thought we could rush the wedding but it wouldn't feel right after two years of engagement," she continued to vent and River felt more than thankful. She'd never been the greatest at having something to say. Nothing that would've helped the woman sitting before her. "We've been planning, sure, but—do you think he'll be happy?"

That's when River chose to lower to her knees, both of them popping, her entire body weight balanced on her tip toes. Her hands on Jade's knees, she smiled up at the woman from behind her dark sunglasses. The wind blew on the low bun she curled her hair into, and the little strands by her face now blew all into her mouth. Gently, she peeled them back and brushed them behind her ears.

"My brother loves you. He can be a dick, yes, but he is loyal. I also don't think I've ever seen him happier than when he is with you, and it honestly kind of makes me sick," her words earned her a light chuckle, and it felt good to hear. Something she said hit the right spot. Good one, River. "When he finds out, he will be more than happy, okay? And if he won't be—which I don't even think should be listed as an option—I will run him over with his own damn Ferrari. How's that?"

"I hope that won't be necessary."

Laughing, River squeezed Jade's knees then stood up. Both of her legs began to tingle and she shook them out.

"I'd say let's go get a drink to celebrate but I suppose you're not going to be having any liquid fun for a while."

"Maybe it's time I get accustomed to non-alcoholic drinks, right?" she smiled while she got up from the chair, and offered her bent arm to River. Without much hesitation, River hooked her left arm through Jade's, and they made their way to the upstairs lounge.

Said lounge was packed as usual. Sponsors. VIP. Unsurprisingly, the Hamilton parents were nowhere to be seen. Dorian and Kaia, however, were seated on the leather couch with their lips locked. River rolled her eyes at them and cleared her throat when she was close enough.

Her brother and sister-in-law flew apart, the latter blushing tomato red. No matter how long Kaia had been a part of the family, she seemed to remain ever the gentle soul River met the first time.

Just as she moved to sit down, River's phone rang in her hand. She groaned as she wiggled her thumb ring downwards with her index finger, and accepted the phone call.

"Yes?" she spoke into the phone right away, now standing near the entrance of the lounge. She walked out, then down the hall so she could find some quiet.

"I think Alfie is going to propose at dinner."

Oh, come on. Is everyone living the life River Hamilton wanted?

"He gave you the signs?" she questioned.

"I'm in Paris. That's all I need to know," came the excited response. Even through the phone call, River could hear the smile—the grin that must've captivated her best friend's face.

A proposal in Paris was everything Mila Forbes ever talked about. To learn this dream of hers might come to life in a matter of hours, caused River to smile as her chest swarmed with warmth.

"Your nails are perfect, right?"

"Please. I got them done the second he told me he's taking me on a trip," both of them laughed at that. "Sorry I couldn't be at the race with you today."

"Nonsense!" River claimed—almost shouted down the phone. "You go and get that diamond, baby. We'll have plenty more races to go to in the future."

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