The puppet and the 6 missing children.

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Hey guys, this story was requested by FireBoy34 thanks again 😄
Let's do it!

The puppet. The 5 missing children. What are the links between these two? What is their story? Are they even connected?
We'll random reader, how about I answer all those questions right now.
First, let me recap on the story.
"Before 1987, a man dressed in purple murders 5 children in cold blood inside the pizzeria. The man stuffs them inside the animatronic suits and runs off. The man climbs in a spring-locked suit and dies."
But that's not the while story. Yes that's what people believe, but the true events were hidden away, waiting to be recovered. And those true events are right before you eyes. Ready?
Let's go!
Yes the purple guy or Guys did kill the 5 children. Lured into a back room, dressed as an animatronic to gain their trust and later murders them. Then the purple guy/guys leave the pizzeria and the murdered children. But I believe that 5 children were killed on that day but yet another even before that. Because In plain sight, in 5naf 2, in the "give cake" minigame, we see a child OUTSIDE the pizzeria being murdered by a purple guy. Once the child is killed, the purples gets back in his car and leaves. After that frame, the puppet jumps out at you from
That dead child. I believe that this is the first chronological event in the pizzerias history. Because in the "give life" minigame, the puppet Roams around, giving each dead child a gift box. Once each child has one, the puppet goes around the children again, but this time PUTTING The animatronic masks on the dead children's heads. Then once done again, golden Freddy jumps at you. But if you look closely, you will see the 5th dead child. This child = golden Freddy. See where I'm going? The puppet stuffed the dead children In the animatronics. The puppet gave them new life as animatronics. But life came with a cost. After many years of dead children being stuffed in suits, life came and went. The body's started to decompose which caused the pizzeria in 5naf1 to be closed down for health reasons.....

Now do you get it? Yes the purple guys started it all by killing 6 Innocent children but the puppet was the one who stuffed them in the suits. The puppet gave them the gift of life. The life taken away by a sick child killer. A killer who's face and name is bound to be shown in 5naf4...........

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