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(Image from: https://www.pinterest.com/pin/76420524921953397/)

<Y/N's POV> (Feel free to skip this chapter)

You walk towards the cinema which has a huge logo that says "Turbo Theatre" and go to the nearest counter to buy tickets. No one seems to be there. It is so quiet that you could probably hear a pin drop. 

The silence is interrupted when you are able to hear a few incomprehensible sounds coming from the staff room. You are curious as to what was going on inside though you think going inside is a terrible idea. Still, you tiptoe and attempt to reach the door to knock on it.

After you knock on the door, nothing happened for a moment. You begin to wonder if this place is abandoned or closed before a woman with platinum blonde hair opens the door slightly. She turns around for a brief moment and appears to be speaking to someone.

Then, someone else comes out and you immediately read his name tag — Fang.

As in... the brawler? The one who always acts like he's in an action film and does kung fu literally all the time? You think to yourself with a happy expression, Hah, you're missing out Ophelia. Then again... maybe not. She doesn't care much about these... so-called "trivial matters."

He gives you a weak smile, evidently a bit drowsy, though he tries his best to appear friendly. "Hi, sorry to keep you waiting, how may I help you?" He greets with a faint blush on his face, rubbing his head.

You give him a polite nod. "Hello... Uhm..." You remember that you forgot to take a look at what movies are currently available... oops... "Er... what movies are there right now? Do you happen to have any recommendations by any chance? I'm fine with anything, really."

His face lights up when you say that. "Recommendations, huh...? I'm more of an action or comedy guy and I just rewatched Rush Hour here last night. It's awesome, haha... and that's probably why I look so tired right now... I stayed up late to watch it."

You nod once again. "Mhm..." You pause, trying to form a coherent and straightforward sentence without sounding rude, "I... don't mean to offend you or anything, but isn't that movie a little... old now?"

"Oh, yeah, I get that all the time, no worries," Fang chuckled, clearly amused at your shyness, "But it's a classic! Besides, isn't Jackie Chan still pretty famous today? And I've seen lots of videos about him all over YouTube."

You do not say anything but nod for the third time. You can't seem to think of any proper responses for that.

"Alright. I guess I'm watching that then." You say to him, rummaging through your bag to give him some cash. "Thank you."

He takes your money and gives you your tickets, "Oh, and hang on, I don't think I've seen you here before. Are you new to Starr Park?" He asked gently.

"Uhm... yes, I am," you answer slowly.

He smiles at you. His smile is an endearing and charming one, and you feel less tense around him now, "Alright, just wondering. See ya! Hope you enjoy the movie!" He points at two large doors near you, gesturing you to go there.

You give him a small bow out of acknowledgment and walk away with a ticket now in your hands. You smile to yourself secretly. What a nice guy.

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