2 - Smile

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If I smile at school, I get punched. That's what Kaito says, anyways.

One good and bad thing about that maniac is that he never lies. Maybe to twist things in his favor sometimes, but he generally doesn't. If he says he'll do something, he'll do it.

If he says he'll kill me, he will.

I believe it. That's why I need to stay out of his way this year. I'll do everything he asks. I won't fight back. I just need to endure it for a few months...

...That's what I told myself. It probably would've worked, but my plan was crushed as soon as I walked into my homeroom.

At the front of the class stood Kaito Momota, wearing an intimidating gaze and dehumanizing smirk.

Just my luck.

He doesn't notice me as I walk into the room. Nobody does. Not my science fair partner from last year, Miu, and not the class "it-girl", Kaede. Not the white-haired girl who shoved me on the way to class without apologizing, and definitely not the creepy guy wearing a mask... none of them see me. I'm invisible.

If only it would stay that way.

I sat down and began unpacking my things. My books, my phone, my pencils... all the little things. Collectables. Trinkets.

I like little things. Small details that make my life seem interesting. My favorite notebook has a purple checkerboard pattern, unlike my other black ones. My pencils have brightly colored erasers, and I have Danganronpa stickers all over my phone and computer. They're so interesting... so unique. Maybe this year someone will notice them...?

"Hey! Look what we have here..."

I hold back a sigh. The wrong person noticed.

I look up to face Kaito, who towers over my seat. I'm nothing compared to him... physically, at least. He's 6'0 and strong, with muscles anyone can see from afar. I'm only 5'1... and I'm much too skinny and weak to even think about upsetting him. I've tried to work out before, but I can never keep up a good diet to go with it. It's not a healthy balance, so it makes me even skinnier. In worst-case scenarios, it ends with me bent over a trash can and vomiting for hours, enduring the hysterical laughter of my parents as they record the situation and threaten to post it online.

But anyways, next to the spiky-haired idiot is Maki Harukawa. She used to be my next door neighbor... and my best friend. We met in middle school and walked home together everyday. We shared snacks and even had a secret hideout! She moved in 7th grade, but that was fine! We were still friends. We were inseparable all the way until 9th grade, where she met Kaito.

For some reason, he never liked me. And I don't know why, but he did like Maki. He stole her away from me to "train" or whatever... and eventually, she stopped coming back. As soon as she saw him, she'd leave me. And when we were together, all I'd hear about is how "sweet" he was and how "handsome" he looked. It was awful. It got even worse when Kaito started bullying me. Maki soon abandoned me completely to join her petty little boyfriend's side... and she hurts me worse than Kaito ever does. She hates me more. I don't know why... I never did anything bad to her, right?


I'm brought out of my memories by the familiar sound of a fist on my desk. Kaito shoved me out of my chair, and stomped on my back as soon as I hit the floor. A few of my classmates flinched, but nobody said a word. Others just talked over it. They're used to the noise already.

"You look at me when I'm talking to you," the taller growls, lifting me up by my collar. "Or are you too pathetic to look me in the eye? Are you scared?"

Maki lets out a laugh before kissing Kaito on the cheek. "Don't be too rough with him... the day hasn't even started yet."

"Damn," He scoffs in return. "You're right, Maki-Roll. Can't have him walking around with a black eye... learned that lesson the hard way." Kaito drops me to the floor and sweeps almost all the items off my desk. He avoids my phone and computer, knowing he can't get out of paying for damages. He's surprisingly capable of playing it safe.

Kaito doesn't even taunt me before turning and walking away with Maki on his arm. They make me sick.

I quickly pick up my things and try to reorganize before class starts. Thankfully, I finish right before the teacher walks in. By then, all seats but one are filled, which means the lesson can begin.


School days are very slow, yet fast at the same time. The hours feel like forever... but the week is always over before I know it. I like it more when time flies by. That means I'm one week closer to ending this horrible year.

Days, weeks, a few months pass. Every day is the same, with restless studying and tiring torment. My parents don't even ask if I'm okay when I enter the house with cuts, bruises, and black eyes. If they're in the mood, they'll add some more. But that's okay. There's nothing that a few dabs of makeup can't fix...

Ah... I really love makeup. I love how I look in it, and it's so useful for me. My parents suspect that I use it, and I know my dad will kill me if he ever sees me putting it on. That's why I have to hide it from them... and from everyone. I just wish that someone would notice the effort I put into it and call me beautiful...

But that's... off topic. A few months have passed, and I'm still suffering. I have the satisfaction of being the class's top student, but I also harbor the pressure and expectations that come with it. My pain hasn't ceased, either. Kaito and Maki have made new friends who are just like them. A larger amount of people use me as their punching bag now. Hooray.

I just want to get away from here. And from everything. I don't wanna do this anymore. I can't keep this up for another second... how can I get it to stop?? When will I get my happiness...?

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I finally get home from school and open my computer. I was supposed to be doing homework, but I allowed myself to scroll through news and social media beforehand. I like staying updated with things, and I'm glad I decided to check! There's a specific announcement that catches my eye:

'Danganronpa: Season 52' confirmed! Release date: TBA.

There's one thing that brings me comfort above everything else. Above makeup, above good grades, all of it. And that's Danganronpa. It's an anime and game series revolving around a collection of high school murders, drama, hope, and despair. My hope comes from watching justice being served to those who committed the atrocious crimes... but it does pain me to watch the rare occasions in which the innocent are punished for incorrect accusations. They didn't do anything wrong, and they were just trying to keep everyone alive, so why were they killed instead of the horrible murderer? The thought bothers me all the time. That's how I know Danganronpa is just like the real world.

People get away with foul things all the time. I should know. My parents and bullies are walking examples of it. Karma picks and chooses who to punish. It's unfair. Innocent people have to suffer while tormentors get to enjoy their lives as if they didn't hurt another person. Why is that allowed? Where are the guardians of the innocent?

Well... it's okay. I shouldn't get worked up over it. Danganronpa is just fiction. It's not real...

...But it definitely feels like it is.

The Cherubic of Kokichi Ouma // Pregame Saiouma Halloween Special 2022Where stories live. Discover now