Start from the beginning

"What's wrong with my face?"

"Ask Ken Wakui!" You muttered and exhaled heavily.

"Who's Ken Wakui?"

"Half mangaka, half depressed manga character creator." You mumbles and Manjiro blinks cluelessly. It makes you finally chuckle. Rest in peace to the fourth wall, "Nevermind. Can we take a break for a while?"

"We haven't done anything yet except for the stretching." Manjiro stated in his usual calm manner, "But are you hungry?"

You averted your gaze on him again, "No, I'm fine. Let's just take a minute of break to get me back to my senses."

You don't know how you can focus on the training today with too much Manjiro apocalypse inside your head rent free. His hair is falling softly on his shoulders and his neck, oh fuck, his neck looks pretty, too. His lips are already moisturized early in the morning and his scent smells good. Damn it, how the hell can I focus when he's like that?

"You're staring at me again. Tell me now, what's wrong?"

You gulp. Shit, even his voice is godly. "Nothing's wrong."

The two of you locked gazes for a moment and you feel a weird sensation crawling inside your chest as you stare into his deep pair of eyes. There's like a tingly and itchy kind of electricity electrocuting your heart, making your heartbeats extra faster. Before you know it, Manjiro's already walking near you again to touch your shoulder. You freeze with the sudden touch.

"(Y/N), I realized that maybe I'm teaching you with the wrong method." He whispered and your breath tightened into a knot within your senses.

With a barely audible voice, you replied, "What do you mean?"

Manjiro exhaled thinly before walking deliberately behind you. You feel your throat go dry as his presence is now on your back. You pause and gasp a little when his fingers start to touch your wrist, tracing and slowly holding it as he softly guides your arms upward on its proper position. He remained standing behind you as you felt a thick unexplainable tension in the air.

"Your arms should be right there." His deep voice whispers. His breath is just behind your ears and you can feel your heart skipping a beat, "And your feet should be like this." He touches the back of your leg to position it. His touches give you a tingling sense of electricity.

You tried to not stutter, "Am I f-finally doing it right?" Well, at least you tried.

"Hmm," You feel him smile behind you. He walked back in front of you, keeping a good distance as he continued, "Good. Now strike."

"Hard?" You blinked, mind unable to function well with what Manjiro was doing to you earlier.

"Yes, (Y/N), hard." His lips crept into a small meaningful smirk and your heart went wild again, "Can you throw a blow?"

REWRITTEN: Sano Manjiro X ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now