Chapter 2: A New Encounter

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Confusion immediately impacted the Daniels' faces. Images of recent events started running through their heads, but none of them include their encounter with the two teenage figures nor doing something that caused them to blame them.

"Uh, what are you...?"
Rhea's voice was trailed off. Just as she was about to finish her sentence, Ray took a few step forward in the two strangers' direction. "What do you mean?"

"You don't know what you're causing?" the female girl asked, her eyes shooting daggers at them.

"I'm sorry, but I don't remember what you're talking about. Plus, we didn't do anything wrong."

"Then, what happened to one of our concerts? You got our dad hospitalized, which leaves my mom to work all the time to provide for the whole family."

A gasp of shock escaped Rhea's mouth. Her eyes widened a bit. Her fingers moved to cover her mouth as she did so. For some reason, images of what she had known about Robby Keene ran through her head.

"What? Wh-What do you..." Ralpha's heads turned to the two figures. From the female to the male. His face was still plastered with confusion. "Who are you guys?"

Her glaring face softened a bit, but she still had a hint of resentment towards the Daniels. Her hands were on her hips as she introduced herself. "The name's Razzy. Razzy Shredmaster." She then, gestured to the male with her right arm. "This is my brother, Seth. Seth Dylan Shredmaster."

As soon as the male, known as Seth, heard his name, his eyes were opened and they shifted towards the Daniels. His face still had a blank expression and his arms were still crossed.

Rhea's confusion on her face was turned into another expression. Her eyes widened a bit and a frown formed on her face. You can see a tiny opening on her mouth. The only thing that filled her eyes... was concern. Concern about the rough life the two siblings have been through. Not only that, but multiple images ran through her head. She couldn't quite make things out, but she knew it's about some sort of big misunderstanding between herself & her family and the Shredmasters.

Nothing else occurred in her until something made her eyes blink. Her head shook, snapping herself out of it. After putting words together and remembering the lesson taught to her in homeschooling, her eyes turned to the Shredmasters, her calming words of concern going more directly to Razzy.

"Listen, Razzy. With all due respect, whoever did this to your band... it wasn't us. We weren't there that time. And I'm sorry about the hard life you've been living in. I know it's not much to say, but I have a friend who's lived a hard life, too."

A scoff escaped Razzy's mouth. A pang of offense, hurt and pain punched through Rhea. Now, she felt like being in crossroads, but it can most likely lead to the same result. One road leads to having concerns for the Shredmasters and another leads to trying to figure out a big misunderstanding.

Right now, Rhea could see Razzy and Seth exiting the studio room. Seth went out first, but just as Razzy was about to step out of the door, her head slightly turned to the Daniels, but her eyes seemed to shift towards Rhea.

"We'll return in one week."

Those were her final words before she exited the studio room and closed the door behind it.

It took less than a moment before their eyes widened in realization. Especially Ralpha's.

"One week?!" He turned to his dad. "That's the day of our next concert!"

"Then, we have to find a way to manage things. Rhea and Ralpha got homeschooling in those weekdays. I had to get to work online for Yokohama. Mom has to do household chores. And at the same time, we have to find out who really did all this," Ray said.

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