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So, yes I am a Gemini, and only a little bit of this is based off of me, such as blue eyes (they aren't the same blue though), ad the pale skin. Well duh, obviously all the Gemini traits too. I am not currently writing this, but every time I get a story idea, I like writing it down so I can remember. Boy does a Gemini really sound like me. Anyway, the main reason I wrote this story was because I want to be able to express some of my feelings into a story, and by having the character a Gemini can easily do that since I am a Gemini. What are you? And does this sound interesting?

I read a ton of things about my horoscope/zodiac, it was like 99% me. Well, at least for now. One thing that I found not true is that Gemini can often read fast as a child, man I hated reading and I read slow as a child. I mean now, I can read fast of its a book I want to read, but if it's boring like history (to me history is boring) then I'm not going to remember ANYTHING I read, and so it'll take me a lot longer to read XD well, sometimes that isn't really funny. Anyway, Gemini's also have a really on going thought process, totes me here, I think that is why I'm still afraid of the dark. Yes, I'm afraid of the dark, plse don't judge meh. I also think that may be why I always have so many ideas for books and other things. F. Anyway, I also feel like my family and friends never understand my side of the story, and they never give me a chance they just act like I need to not argue. I don't really like sharing when I am emotional though, AND I CAN'T FREAKING HELP ARGUING ALL THE TIME I'M SORRY. annnyyyywwwaaayyy... I would like to know your horoscope/zodiac, and if it fits your personality, and how correct it is, so tell me in the comments
I just also felt like when and if I started to write this, it could help me find out who I am more as a person, and help me control my own emotions a bit better. A lot of the time I can get insecure, and I get worried a lot, I procrastinate... And a ton of other stuff. If you want to find out more about your zodiac or mine, you can look up the zodiac month thing, find your zodiac, and search up about it. Good luck!

BTW a lot of the time, gemini's get along horribly with cancer I know wpfrom personal experience too, so expect that in future stories hopefully to come.

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