Slug Club?

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I sat in Professors Slughorn's room with 5 other students. These 5 students were Blaise, Hermione, Harry Potter, Cormac Mclaggen and Ginny Weasley. I don't know why I was called to stay behind with these 5 but we were asked specifically by Slughorn himself. I sat next to Blaise as we waited confused. "What do you think he wants?" Blaise asked me confused. I shrugged, I turned to look at Hermione who usually had all the answers but... "I have no clue" Hermione said sighing frustrated. Well that's a first ? ?

Slughorn appeared finally and told us to follow him. Me and Blaise looked at one another confused but did as he asked. He led us into another room which had a long table and chairs, there were food laid out on the table and we told to take a seat. I sat across from Blaise, Hermione sat next to me on the right side and on my left sat Ginny. Slughorn told us to dig into our food so we did. After eating the delectable food that had been laid out he explained to us why we were there.

Apparently he saw success in each of us, powerful success like we'd make a name for ourselves success. He explained to us that he picked each of us specifically because he'd like what he'd seen so far in our lessons, our knowledge. Then professor slughorn passed out 6 envelopes. We all grabbed one envelope each and read the contents, an invitation? To Professor Slughorn's christmas party? Hmm?

Slughorn clapped his hands happily as people started saying yes that they would attend the party even Blaise said yes. Blaise looked at me so I sighed and said I'd attend the party. "Can we bring plus ones?" Blaise asked grinning. "Yes of course you can" Professor Slughorn said happily. Blaise winked at me and mouthed one name at me. Even though no voice was spoken just pure lip sync I knew what he said. "Draco".

We left the room after being dismissed and started walking down the corridors. "Hmm so it's a Christmas party? I can't wait. Penny will love this!" Blaise said grinning. I nodded laughing awkwardly as we made our way to the slytherin dungeons. "You should totally bring Draco along?" Blaise said winking at me. To my unfortunate surprise Draco heard him as he was leaving a room sneakily.

Draco stopped and looked at me us both confused. "Bring me where?" Draco asked Blaise. "Oh the Christmas party, we have been invited to it and I was just thinking who Yasmin could bring along" Blaise said playing it cool. I sighed with relief, "Why me?" Draco asked Blaise but he stared right at me trying to figure out what was going on. "You are pretty close? Always sneaking off together?" Blaise questioned Draco. I blushed slightly as I realised actually how much Draco was with me due to my father and his parents.

"Just business" Draco shrugged. My heart started doing somersaults but stopped when he said them words. Instead a sadness flowed through my body. "Yeah okay if you call hooking up outside of hogwarts business" Blaise said grinning. My heart started doing somersaults again, my face went a bright red and I hid slightly in my robe. Draco looked at me confused but then turned to Blaise. "That doesn't happen. It won't ever happen. We aren't even friends we are business buddies" Draco said rolling his eyes.

Blaise sighed and rolled his eyes making Draco confused again. "I don't know, I wouldn't mind hooking up with you Draco" I said. Blaise looked at me amused whilst Draco looked at me shocked. I looked at both of the boys then realised. "Ah fuck!" I shouted in embarrassment. Blaise fell to the floor laughing as I slipped up badly in front of Draco. Draco just stood there observing me but was pretty shocked I said that. "Uh so I just remembered I've got to figure out what dress I'm going to wear for the party" I said quickly. Blaise got up still laughing slightly.

I started rushing away from the boys awkwardly as I ran into the common room and straight into the girls dormitory.. I can't believe I just did that.

♡Draco's pov♡
"I knew she'd slip up soon but I didn't think it'd be like that" Blaise said laughing still. Wait, was she serious? "Blaise, what do you mean?" I asked him confused. "Draco, seriously. She just said she'd hook up with you what do you think I mean" Blaise said walking off laughing. I leaned against the wall and my mind wandered to how she had been lately. How did I never notice it before?

The other day in the great hall, I shouted Riddle at her and she stumbled over with a bright red face just hearing me shout her last name. Or when I pushed her up against the wall yesterday, she didn't usually hit me or anything like she would do, she just accepted it and stared into my eyes. The way she blushed when my father said she would be perfect for me? Godamn! Yasmin Riddle has a crush on me!?

My mind started swimming with flashbacks of how she'd act around me recently, the way she'd talk to me. She hadn't bullied me for a while, took the piss out of me. She even stood up for me the other day which was unusual. I started walking towards the common room when I remembered something else, recently she had been wearing makeup, a dark red lipstick with a dark green eyeshadow. She looked pretty hot actually with her robes and her rolled up skirt. Was she doing that for me? Was she intentionally trying to capture my attention?

I walked into the common room where Blaise sat with Penny. "Here he is" Blaise chuckled. Penny grinned as I sat down across from them both. "Where is Riddle anyway?" Blaise asked Penny confused. He makes a point, she wasn't in here? "She's upstairs sinking into her bed because she's really embarrased" Penny said sighing awkwardly. Blaise started laughing again. After 5 minutes of Blaise non stop laughing, he turned to Penny.

"Penny, I just got an invitation to an exclusive Christmas party and I can bring a plus one" Blaise explained to Penny. Penny looked at him smiling, "I was wondering do you want to accompany me?" Blaise grinned at her. Penny nodded smiling and kissed Blaise. The two broke out into a makeout session on the sofa but I couldn't stop thinking about Yasmin right now. I don't know why? She never crossed my thoughts but now she wouldn't leave.

Even when Pansy entered the room and we were kissing on the sofa across from Penny and Blaise. I couldn't stop thinking about her...

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