Amortentia what?!

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The past couple of months I did what Narcissa asked me to do. I tried to speak to Draco even with Pansy clinging to his hip like a lost puppy. So for the past couple of months I had struggled to gain a conversation between us. I was on the verge of giving up and standing my ground of how I didn't want to marry draco or even be friends with him to be honest.

I walked through the doors leading to the dungeons of Hogwarts also where the slytherin common room was. The door leading to the common room was wide open which was weird as usually our prefect Blake told us to keep the door shut to keep out the pranksters of different houses. I rolled my eyes and stepped through the door, "You forgot to close the door again" I said sighing rolling my eyes again. There was no response so I did the usual check of seeing if there was anyone here that shouldn't be.

After making sure everything was okay and it was, I went over to the door and closed it so Blake didn't have a fit again. I felt someone watching me though as I faced the door, the air felt tense. I reached down for my wand and then after a few minutes I pointed my wand at whoever was there. My eyes fell on Draco... alone.

"Oh it's just you Malfoy" I said sighing and putting my wand away again. "How many times, it's Draco not malfoy" Draco said frowning at me. "How many times, I don't care" I said shrugging at him. Draco sighed. "Where's Pansy the puppy?" I asked trying to hold back a laugh. "I don't know and thats my girlfriend" Draco said shaking his head at me. "Wow, so it's true then. You date Pansy Parkinson?" I asked needing it to be confirmed again. "Yes I do, ever since the goblet of fire? I literally went to the yule ball with her yasmin?" Draco asked me confused.

"Cool" I said shrugging. Why did that hurt though? Maybe knowing that our families decided that we were to marry and be together finally stuck in my brain. Maybe, I felt something. "You went to the yule ball with Fred Weasley?" Draco asked me still confused. "Yeah?" I asked Draco confused back. It's true Fred asked me to the yule ball, Fred said that he liked me a couple months into my fourth year. He said he liked my mischievous spirit and that I didn't take crap, that I was beautiful.

At the yule ball he even said he loved me and wanted to stay with me forever... Well, that didn't work out. Someone else caught Fred's eye and I was dumped by the end of the year. It was all very fast and still hurts now. "I thought you two were dating?" Draco asked me curiously. "No, we stopped dating at the end of my fourth year Draco" I said rolling my eyes at him. Draco looked away awkwardly, "Anyway I'm going to bed as we have potions with Professor Slughorn tomorrow and I'm actually quite excited" I said yawning.

"Since when are you excited over learning?" Draco asked me shocked. "Since slughorn sees the potential in me and the lesson is really fun" I said walking past Draco. "I see the potential in you too" Draco said stopping me by grabbing my arm gently. My heart skipped a beat at his touch, what was going on?! "You may be the princess but you will be the queen eventually, your father should be proud of you" Draco explained to me with a gentle smile.

Draco looked deep in my eyes, "You are smart, cunning and beautiful" Draco explained to me again. My heart stopped for a second in shock, "Fred doesn't know what he's lost. You are everything and more Yasmin Riddle" Draco said to me, he caressed my cheek with his other hand. "Hey Draco!" Pansy cheered as she opened the door. Draco immediately let go of me. I stood there for a moment on the stairs a little dazed by what just happened.

"Oh Riddle? What were you talking about?" Pansy said looking at me disgusted. "Nothing" Draco said walking over to Pansy and giving her a hug. Pansy smiled into Draco's hug and then they kissed. For some reason more then normal this sickened me, my heart ached so I went upstairs and straight to bed. I fell to sleep with Draco as the last thought in my mind.

Morning came and I was already up ready for potions with Professor Slughorn. I raced down the stairs and saw Penny talking to Blaise and Draco. I shook off the weird thoughts when I saw Draco and walked over to Penny. "Wow you are awake?" Penny asked me surprised, she had a slight grin on her face though. "Yeah, potions!" I said grinning at her. Draco looked over at me awkwardly, I ignored it though and focused on the conversation that we were having.

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