Yasmin Riddle.

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♡Bellatrix's pov♡

I watched as Voldemort took his usual seat at the table. Lucius, Draco and Narcissa was here too and they had took their seats. The other death eaters took theirs, alot more people had joined recently to fight against hogwarts. Now his daughter had been at Hogwarts for a while now but she blended in. Someone had made sure that her last name was not spoken, so no one knew who she was. She had been sorted into slytherin of course.

She was now in her second to last year of hogwarts and finally her father wanted to know her. I took my seat as planned. She didn't need walking in, she was independent I had heard. She was going to surprise alot of people when she walks in. I bet Draco has seen her actually.

♡My pov♡

I checked my long black hair in the mirror again, made sure my makeup was fine and my outfit that Bellatrix had chosen for me was perfect. After making sure I looked amazing, I turned to the doors infront of me. Inside this room was my father. I had heard rumours how my father couldn't love but somehow me and my half sister was born. I didn't question it, just got on with life.

"You may come in" A graspy voice spoke behind the door. That was my cue, I opened the doors and walked inside. My long black hair flowing down my back. I stood in front of the table just like I was told to next to Bellatrix. I looked around at everyone and caught eyes with Malfoy. His eyes were wide, yes we both knew each other. We both wasn't fond of each other. This was amusing as he stared in confusion but also intrigue.

"Voldemort this is your other daughter Yasmin Katrina Riddle" Bellatrix said to my father. I looked over at him and he looked at me. "Hm" He said to himself. "Who's her mother again?" Wormtail asked Voldemort. "That I don't know" Voldemort said looking at me again. I didn't even know my own mother though, I was abandoned at an orphanage and that's where I met Delphine too. We didn't get along me and Delphine. From the start we were different.

"Yes I think you will be perfect. Take a seat next to me daughter" Voldemort said sharply. He really didn't know how to love, I was just another death eater to him but I didn't care. I wasn't really here to develop a father daughter relationship. I was here to fulfill my duty as his daughter. I took my seat next to my father and he began his speech.

He spoke about how he was planning something big against hogwarts, against dumbledore so he could get to Harry. I also knew Harry and I hated him. Not because he was the boy who lived, not because my father hated him but because he was just an annoying boy from the start. "We need an inside person for hogwarts" Voldemort said. "Of course we already have Snape but what about-" Voldemort said. "I know hogwarts in and out" I said volunteering.

"You go to hogwarts?" Narcissa asked me. "Yes, I'm in the same year as Draco. Same age" I explained to her. Narcissa looked at Voldemort. "Leave the room Malfoy and Yasmin" Voldemort said nodding at Narcissa. I looked at my father weirdly but got up and left the room behind Draco. Wormtail ushered us away to another room where we couldn't hear anything what was being said in the meeting room. He then left us to join Voldemort again.

"So, you are the dark princess then?" Draco said looking over at me. "It seems so" I said confused on why we was rushed out of the room. "I thought there was only Delphine. Pretty cool to say I've been going to school with the future dark queen" Draco said shrugging slightly. I didn't say much else which made Draco sigh a little. Wormtail appeared back at the door with a smirk on his face, "Follow me" Worktail said as we followed him back to the meeting room.

We took our separate seats and then Voldemort began. "I feel that this matter shall be addressed by Narcissa" Voldemort said as he stood up. I looked at him confused then at Narcissa. "Draco" Narcissa said looking at her son. Draco gave his mother a confused look. "Yasmin" Narcissa said then looking at me. "It has been decided that because you are the dark Prince Draco and You are the dark princess Yasmin. You two shall be bound together" Narcissa explained to us.

Wait...what! "You shall be together, both pureblood so you shall make perfect pureblood children to join the future army to keep Voldemorts legacy going" Narcissa explained further. I looked at Draco who was already looking back at me. "Ew no" I said shaking my head annoyed. "There will be no objections! Now both of you leave!" Voldemort shouted sharply. I got up from the table annoyed and walked out of the room, draco following behind.

Wormtail had been instructed to lock us in another meeting room so we could sort our differences out. I was so angry about this. I refused to talk to Draco for a while actually. After a while I caved though and we spoke to one another. I found out that Draco Malfoy wasn't so bad, could even be funny when he wanted to be. He even had a nice side to him which was weird for me to experience but it was good to know.

"Pansy isn't going to be happy" I joked, Draco looked at me amused. "So you are accepting it then?" Draco asked me. "No, I won't be forced into having children with someone and marrying someone" I said shaking my head angrily. "Hey, I'm not happy about it either but if that's what voldemort says then it's going to have to happen" Draco says awkwardly. "Scared of my father Malfoy?" I mock him. Draco stays quiet. I know that my father is an evil man, he will not hesitate to take someone's life for his own gain no matter the circumstances, no matter the person.

Hell I wouldn't be surprised if he killed me for his own gain or Delphine. "I'm not scared of him" I said rolling my eyes. Draco looked at me shaking his head, "You are his daughter, the dark princess. You don't need to be" Draco explained softly. "You don't know my father very well then Malfoy" I said chuckling a little. The doors opened revealing Bellatrix.

"You may join us again" Bellatrix said smiling at me. Now with Bellatrix you wouldn't think she was the loving, caring and motherly type. Well she is to me and Delphine. I'm not even her daughter but my mother I don't even know who she is, I was born to her and then that was it. Bellatrix raised me, made sure my name was hidden in hogwarts. I owe my whole life to her. We followed Bellatrix back to the meeting room.

My father sat at the end of the table with his usual smug smile. Narcissa had a bright smile on her face and so did Lucius which was unusual. I took my seat next to my father like he requested. Draco took his seat in the middle of his parents. My father then started talking about his hatred for Potter and his plan on destroying him once and for all. I felt eyes on me so I looked up and noticed Draco looking at me. I looked back at him, his eyes didn't falter though. He still kept his eyes on me. Um?

After my father finished his rant about potter and still holding some of his death eaters accountable for failing back at the graveyard during the goblet of fire, he dismissed everyone. Some of the death eaters couldn't run any faster to get out of his presence. It was true, people were afraid of my father but I just wasn't scared. Even if he would kill me. I didn't feel a single fear for him.

I got up out of my chair, "Yasmin sit down" Voldemort said to me. What? I noticed that the malfoys and Bellatrix were still seated too. I took my seat a little frustrated with my father. Tomorrow was the new school term at hogwarts, my second to last year and I wanted to make sure I had plenty of sleep so I was prepared.

My father first spoke to Draco, he didn't have much to say. Just that, the plan was set that when we turned 18 we would marry as we were the purest of the pure bloods and the richest too. I glared at my father and Bellatrix noticed. She didn't say anything though she just coughed making me realise that she had noticed. I stopped the glaring in respect of Bellatrix feelings.

My father then dismissed everyone properly. Not even a goodbye or a good luck with my school year. I don't know what I was expecting, the man can't love another. Not even his own daughters. I shook my head and left the room, "Yasmin?" Narcissa said as she caught up to me. I had kind of stormed out away from Voldemort. "Yes?" I said politely as possible.

"I know you don't seem to be happy about the arrangement that has been made between you and Draco" Narcissa said to me awkwardly. I sighed a little, "Draco is a great boy. Why don't you spend the year getting to know him more?" Narcissa said smiling at me warmly. I sighed again but nodded too. "Fine, I shall make an effort to get to know Draco" I said smiling at her. Narcissa smiled brightly and gave me a hug then she walked away to join her boys to go home.

I went back to where I came from... Where you ask? That's a need to know basis and you.. don't know to know.

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