[ 5 ] At The Ready

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Later that Evening

. . . . .

"What's going on up here?" Your voice radiated throughout the bridge, strutting in with your battle uniform and freshly designed weapons. "Plans?"

The main table was now scattered with maps, diagrams, and holograms.

"Current buildings, and ideas for additional bases." Wolf was at the head of this table, with the other war robots you recognize from your- capture. He swiped his paw over the holographic screen, and a rustic, prison-like building came into view.

You approached your superior and joined him in overlooking these plans. Cell bars lined walls and the wired design of high-intensity security systems followed across the planes. 'Was this- a prison?'

"It's exactly what you think it is." He confirmed, noticing the rapid glancing of your (e/c) eyes as you examined the blueprints.

"But- why?"

The dark canine leaned onto the table, resting his elbows as his face glowed blue from the LEDs. His gaze sharpened when his eyes narrowed, his end-game plans forming in his mind. "We need a place to put away those Freedom Fighters. To make sure that our united world isn't torn apart by those free-roamers... No. More. Heroes."

"I've thought about the world being United before... and what comes to mind that stops that, is that everyone lives differently. People have their own lifestyles, governments, languages, currency.... More..." You huffed, a breath coming out of your nostrils as you processed his and your words. A deep seeded evil that ran through your morals even before Wolf captured and converted you. Looking down at your hands, you curled them into fists as a smirk slowly forced on your face, "...but I honestly don't mind destroying a few of those."

Tyrannical thoughts began to consume your mind, but they made you feel powerful, in control, villainous. And Wolf joined you with a smirk, relishing in your cheer as you continued to speak on your shared mindset.

"I've imagined a united world under one set of ideals, it'll make it a safer world. The process would be painstaking, and most likely-"

"-Cruel." Wolf finished your sentence. The general stood up from his leaning pose and approached you, standing tall before you as he crossed his arms. "I was right, (Y/n), maybe you were meant to be here." He chuckled, placing a paw on your shoulder. His expression was twisted, but blazed nothing but pride.

You let out a hmm in understanding, and looked outside as the airship flew over the cities Wolf conquered, and now shared his spoils with you. Your mobile base was approaching an endless horizon, shimmering almost with blinding levels of sun. The reflection of the ocean. And so, you took a step outside to smell that familiar salt of the sea. The wind blowing in your hair and through your fur.

Wolf made his way outside as well as he looked out. You turned to face him, your villainous faces returning to a simple smile as you acknowledged Wolf's genuine, happiness?, of you being here.

"I gave up trying to escape." You bluntly stated. "It's selfish but I decided I would benefit more from joining you."

"Oh~ it wasn't my charm that made you realize?" He joked, really setting it in with a eyebrow wiggle.

"HA! You wish." you punched his arm so hard, he had to grip onto the railing to not get shoved over something as dangerous as the edge of the railing. You two laughed it out, Wolf maybe a bit more nervously as he realized the monster he created was much more dangerous than he ever imagined. His robots had nothing on the legendary (Y/n), (N/n).

With a final sigh, you turned back to face Wolf. "So, what happens next?"

Wolf tilted his head, wind blowing through his wavy, pulled-back hair. "We go after the freedom fighters. They're the only ones in our way. So, we take their bases. One by one. Their little symbol of victory, Sonic, will be our biggest problem."

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 20, 2023 ⏰

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