"I was in love with you Nik. If I'm being honest, I think I still am." The two men stared at each other, not noticing the little girl that was with them slipping away, making her way toward Wendy to beg for a cookie. "I know that you most likely don't feel the same way that you did a thousand years ago, and I'm not mad." While he was talking, Lucien looked down toward the table. "I could never expect you to feel the same way, especially after what happened with Ryden's mother. And you're a father now, so you have to have all of your focus on your daughter, which is understandable. Plus-" Lucien was cut off by Nik grabbing his face in his hands, turning his head to face him. "Lucien, love, stop talking." Lucien's mouth opened to resume his rambling, but he didn't get to say anything before he felt Nik's lips on his.

The feeling that Lucien felt while kissing Niklaus Mikaelson was euphoric. Nik's kiss made him feel a multitude of things all at once. His brain felt fuzzy. Lucien couldn't focus on anything but the feeling of Nik's lips on his, the way they moved together in sync, the taste of the tea that Nik had been drinking while they were talking on his tongue.

Nik slowly separated from the kiss, letting his lips brush over Lucien's for a second, before pulling back completely. The emotions he felt about the kiss with Lucien were mixed. He didn't regret kissing him, that would be impossible, but he did feel like he was hurting Fleur. That last feeling only lasted a split second before he remembered something Fleur told him before she died.

Fleur and Nik were laying in their shared bed at Nik's apartment. The vampire had his ear to Fleur's 6 month pregnant belly, listening to his little girl's heartbeat. While his ear was on her stomach, Nik felt the baby kick. "She's an energetic little thing, isn't she?" Nik looked up to his girlfriend, grinning from feeling the kick from the baby.

"It's probably because of the werewolf energy you gave her you big mutt." Fleur teased the man with a huge grin on her face. Her retort earned a laugh from Nik as he moved to lay his head back down on her stomach. "You are probably right my love, you are probably right."

Fleur gazed down at the man she loved, eyes full of adoration. She knew she wasn't going to survive the pregnancy, but she didn't want to tell Nik, she couldn't. Fleur knew it was selfish and cruel of her to keep the information to herself, but she didn't know how he would react. She did, however, want to make it seem like she was preparing for the worst, even though she knew it was inevitable.

"Nik, I want you to promise me a couple things." Nik looked up at Fleur, meeting her gaze. He moved to sit beside her, as he could tell this was going to be a serious conversation. "What is it, flower?" Nik's tone was soft and full of concern. His concern only grew when he heard Fleur take a deep breath.

"I need you to promise that no matter what happens, you will take care of our baby Nik. If something happens to me, you have to be there for her. You can't abandon her. Losing me would leave her without one parent, you can't leave her without two."

Nik stared at Fleur with wide eyes. He didn't necessarily want to be having this conversation with his love, but it was clear that she was scared and stressed about this being a possible outcome of the pregnancy. "I promise."

"There's one more thing." Fleur's expression grew more serious than it was before, if that was possible. "You have to promise me that if I don't make it, you'll move on." Nik immediately protested. "You can't make me promise that. How could you even think that I could promise that." Fleur could see the pained expression on Nik's face.

"I'm not saying move on right away Niklaus. I want our little girl to have two parents, even if one of them is not me. Of course I expect you to tell her stories about me, and tell her about my gifts, but other than that she deserves another parental figure. It doesn't matter if it's a mother figure, or another father figure."

Nik remembered Fleur's words vividly. They were on repeat in his head every day. It had only been 9 months since she had died, and feelings for a past love came back in minutes of being around him. He knew he loved Fleur; she was the first woman he had actually loved. But Lucien, fucking Lucien. Nik was utterly in love with him. He had been since they met. He wanted to hate himself for moving on too fast, but he couldn't. All he could do is hope that Fleur wouldn't be disappointed with him.

"Daddy!" Nik's head turned toward his daughter, who had made her way back over to him. He smiled a soft smile that was reserved for her, and her only. "Hey little wolf. What are you up to?" Nik picked up his daughter and sat her on his knee, putting her in the middle of Lucien and himself. Ryden looked up to her father and smiled a mischievous smile that looked too close to the one his little brother Kol used all the time. She then turned to Lucien, a mischievous smile replaced by a sweet, innocent one. "Lucy!"

Lucien didn't look impressed at all. Nik, on the other hand, was grinning like a damn idiot, he was glad that his little wolf liked the man he was in love with.

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