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Niklaus Mikaelson did not know what to expect when he became a single father, but he definitely was not expecting parenting to be this difficult. He had relocated himself and his daughter to London, France reminding him too much of Fleur. The first months with Ryden went smoother than he thought it would, but when she grew to be nine months old, things started getting tougher.

"Little wolf, you have got to work with me here."

Ryden was currently running from her father, who was trying to catch her for a bath. She had taken her first steps mere days ago, and had not slowed down since. For a child, she had an unusual amount of energy, but her father figured that it was merely due to her being a werewolf.

Nik chased his daughter around their apartment for a solid hour and a half, until the man remembered that he was a damn vampire. Fatherhood stressed the poor man out so much he swore he was growing grey hairs, Ryden thought this was the funniest shit on earth. The little girl loved to annoy her father, but not as much as she liked making him smile, and the little girl was a professional at that.

As Nik finally accomplished the seemingly impossible task of Ryden getting a bath, he decided that he needed a glass of bourbon. He would much rather down the whole fucking bottle, but he would settle for a single glass, remembering that his nine month old would not take it easy on him if he gave himself a hangover.

After he put Ryden in her playpen, he went to fetch something from the freezer in one of the back rooms for dinner. When he made his way back to the living room, something hit him in the back of the head. He turned around, already in a defensive stance, ready to protect his daughter and himself from an intruder, only he did not see anything.

His eyes darted around the room, searching for the culprit, but only stopped when he heard giggles coming from behind him. Turning around slowly, the vampire saw Ryden's toys floating in the air. His eyes grew wide and his jaw dropped to the floor when he realized what was going on. His daughter was a witch.

Nik was in panic mode.

On top of being a single father, with almost no clue what the actual fuck he was doing, his daughter turned out to have magic. This made Niklaus Mikaelson nervous. He knew that first born witches from his mother's side were supposed to be very powerful; he remembered a conversation his mother had with his brother Finn once, mentioning something about a sister of hers.

Nik was knocked out of his thoughts by Ryden, who was crying after hitting herself in the face with one of her toys that she had been floating around the room. "Shh little witch, you'll be okay. It's just a scratch." The small scratch caused by the toy had caused Ryden to bleed the smallest bit, but that did not last long. Nik watched in fascination as the small wound on his daughter's forehead healed itself in seconds.

"You, little one, are going to give me a hard time as you grow, aren't you?" Ryden just smiled up at her father when she heard him finish talking. The small child laid her head on her daddy's shoulder, a small frown making its way onto her face as a weird feeling started bubbling inside her. Her father was confused by the fast change in behavior. He was about to check on Ryden when his surroundings changed.

Lucien Castle was seen walking down a street in London looking down at his phone, not paying much attention to his surroundings. His phone was knocked out of his hand as he bumped into someone else walking in the opposite direction of him.

"I am truly sorry about that. I was not watching-." Lucien didn't finish his sentence after taking notice of who he had bumped into.

Niklaus Mikaelson, his sire, was looking at him with panic written all over his face. The panicked face of his sire confused Lucien at first, but once he saw the baby in the man's arms, he understood why.

"Who does this little thing belong to? Did you finally go off the rails and steal a baby, Nik?" Lucien looked at Niklaus with amusement written all across his face. His eyes softened when he noticed the baby was smiling at him. He gave the small child a smile back, earning a giggle in return.

Nik's panicked face dropped hearing his daughter's giggle, a smile replacing it instead. "Do you have time for lunch Lucien? Your question would best be answered somewhere more private." Lucien looked at Nik, searching his face for any sign of hostility, but when he found none, he agreed. "I suppose I could spare some time."

Nik was kicked out of the vision, the familiar sight of his living room greeting him. He looked down at Ryden who was still in his arms, only to see her eyes out of focus, darting back and forth, a murky white color replacing the normal blue. The vampire quickly came to the conclusion that she was still having the vision he saw a small amount of.

Ryden's vision ended a short while later. Her eyes returned to her usual blue color and she looked around the room, taking in the surroundings. Noticing her father's faraway look, Ryden decided it would be the perfect time to say her first words. "Daddy, want ice cream." Nik's head snapped down towards her so incredible fast, it wouldn't have surprised Ryden one bit if he broke it.

The father stared at his daughter, tears forming in his eyes. Her first word had been "daddy." He let the tears fall and a small chuckle fell from his lips. Kissing his daughter on her head, he started walking to the door. "Alright little wolf, let's go get ice cream." This moment was one Niklaus Mikaelson would never forget.

The father-daughter duo were currently heading to an ice cream parlor a small distance from their flat. Nik looked down at his daughter who was currently resting her head on his shoulder, a tired look on her face. "Maybe we should head home and let you take a nap little wolf." Ryden looked up at her father with wide eyes, making Nik's face become full of amusement. "No daddy. Ice cream." Nik was about to tease her again when he bumped into someone. The familiar voice and words that split from the person's lips sent a shiver down his spine.

"I am truly sorry about that. I was not watching-."

Lucien Castle was in front of Niklaus Mikaelson, the latter only having one thing run through his mind. His daughter had shown him this event less than 10 minutes ago and now it was becoming reality.

In this moment, Nik considered himself royally fucked.

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