"Hey Trenta." She met him at the door.

"Okay, that name is very good for a coffee shop, not gonna lie." He stated.

"Yeah, I really like that one." She chuckled. They went inside.

"Why the hell is this line short?" She asked.

"I know there's only like 2 people ahead of us. Usually there's like 200 (a/n: exaggerating of course)."


"Oh, Kurt is doing some community service thing at the local pet store..."Finn started.

"I did not expect that Broadway nerd to help animals. I was thinking teaching acting to little annoying kids like Berry." She interrupted.

"I think he's doing that too. Anyways I had to pick him up but I just went inside the place. There's a cat that looks, exactly like Lord Tubbington there." He explained.

"If I told Britt this she'd say that Lord Tubbington escaped her house and went into the pet store to sell drugs to other cats with his gang." Santana stated. We all know it's true. Lord Tubbington could be a little...much. He's his own breed of cats.

"Oh she defiantly would." Finn chuckled.

"Anyways what?"

"Right so literally exactly like him. I think it was a girl not positive but I think. It was hard to tell but I think a girl. So I put her on hold."


"I figured you could give it to Britt. I dunno."

"Wait, that's not a awful idea. Okay." Santana replied.

"It's just sad how those little animals don't have any homes with love."

"That's like super cliché but yeah, it's sad. I really want a dog, but my mother won't let me."

"Same, my mom's allergic and so is Burt."

"Oof. My mami just doesn't want to. Neither does my papi."


"But let's go to the store after coffee." She suggested.

"Okay." He stated. They went up to the barista taking the orders.

"One grande mocha please and thank you." Santana ordered.

"Okay. That's $5.58" The barista, Liz said.

"Damn when did stuff become this overpriced." Santana mumbled under her breath then handed the barista the exact amount of money. She gave her a $5 bill and 58 cents.

"Seriously." He whispered.

"I'll get an venti regular coffee." Finn ordered.

"Okay...that will be $4." Liz told him. Finn handed the lady 2 $2 bills. Then the 2 waited for the drink.

"Are we actually going through with the cat idea?" Finn questioned.

"Yeah, I wanna get a gift for Britt. She's the love of my life." Santana answered.

"You really love her."

"Yeah." She gave a shy smile.

The coffee was done. "Let's go then." He stated

. "What place?"

"The Lima Pet Rescue Store." He told her the most basic name.

"So creative." She said sarcastically.

"I know right. It's crazy." He said sarcastically.

"Okay, what are you gonna name her? For Britt." Finn said.

"Lady Tubbington 100%" Santana quickly replied. They got inside.

"This way." Finn led her down a hall.

"God, it smells awful." She stated.

"It smells so bad." Finn stated. She nodded. They got to the cat.

"Holy crap they're identical." Santana's eyes widened at the sight.

"Told ya." Finn said.

"Do you have to pay?" She asked.

"I don't know." He replied.

"Mkay. Let's go to the front."

"Ugh, this smell." Finn complained. They went up to the front desk. Santana signed the forms.

Around 10 minutes later Lady Tubbington was handed to them. "Damn we did that." Finn laughed.

She laughed too, "We sure as hell did." She replied. They got to the car.

"Thanks." She stated.

"No problem." He shrugged.

She smiled at him. "Britt's gonna love her." Santana told Finn. He chuckled.

"You're one my best friends, and I still feel bad for...everything so I just wanted to do something nice." He told her.

"Why?" She replied.

"Why what?"

"Don't get me wrong you're also my best friend but I'm a complete bitch, so why are you this nice to me?" She asked as he started to drive.

"You're pretty cool. And you're nice to me. You just hide it behind the bitchy attitude." He told her.

"Just drive." She chuckled. He laughed.

By the way Britt loved Lady Tubs. Lord Tubs and Lady Tubs now hook up.

a/n: inspired by s4 when Trouty gives Britt Lady Tubbington but I got requested for this :)

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