mi amor

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I woke up to screaming. I opened my eyes and was shocked to see Finney over the grabbers shoulder screaming for help.

I was furious. I springed up and sprinted towards the grabber but before I could get him he was already behind the door and locked it. I was panicking. I banged on the door. Thinking that would do somthing. But if it could we would be out already. I was crying in frustration.

I could hear Finney screaming and crying. " ¡Maldito bastardo, te voy a patear el culo si pones un dedo encima de Finney! [You mother fucking bastard I'm going to beat your ass if you lay a finger on finney!]" I screamed even though it was soundproof. I kept banging on and punching  the door.

The door was covered in blood because my hands were bleeding. I was still crying. After awhile I still heard Finney screaming then it stopped. I backed away thinking of all the possibilities that happend to Finney. My heart was beating fast. I was overthrowing everything.

I felt arms rap around me I looked up to see Bruce and vance hugging me. We stayed like that for a few seconds till we heard creaking which indicated the grabber was coming dow. The stairs, the grabber opened the door. My heart stopped when saw Finney. He was shaking with bruises everywhere. He was black and blue, had cuts everywhere, and very blood.

The grabber just dropped him on the ground. "Next time it will be much worse. Never try hitting me again" the Graber said walking out. I sprintedto Finney. I checked to make sure he was breathing. I let out the breath I was holding in when he started breathing normally. He opened his eyes alittle. The where puff from crying, mine where too.I took off his shirt and mine and shaped except I didn't put his on. Instead I used it to clean the blood off of him, as I finished cleaning him up I as still crying"r-rob-bin?" He asked shaky and quiet. "Yes mi amor. it's me" he tried to sit up but screamed in pain. "Hey it ok I got you mi amor. I lifted him up into my arms and stood up. He hissed and pain at first but then snuggled into my chest. I walked ever to our bed and layer him down.

I was just going  to let him rest when he pulled on my pants." Yes mi amor?" I asked"s-sta-y" he said shaky. My heart broke a his voice. I layer down with him and he snuggled into my chest again. I held his waist in a protective way. I was never going to let him out of my arms again. 'if you tries to hurt Finney again, he will wish e was never born I thought as I drifted sleep thinking about all the was to kill the grabber.

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