Our Friends?!

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I was disgusted with what the Graber said"hey its ok I wont let him touch you" i heard Robin say as he hugged me tighter. I blushed and hugged back.i looked up and he kissed me. I was shocked but kissed back. After afew minutes he heard the door open."what now-" Robin was about to yell when 2 more beds were brought in"wh-ho are those for?" I asked "oh Finney your friends! Their in the back of my van right now!" He said. I was horrified "what!" Me and Robin said at the same time as the grabber walked up the stairs.

"Robin he has our friends!" I whispered to him
"Ik how did he know who our friend were!?" Robin whispered to me

The door opened again and in walked Vance with Bruce except the grabber had a knife to Bruce's neck and vance was glaring daggers into the grabber. The Graber then pushed Bruce on the floor and Vance ran and made sure he was ok"Bastard!" Vance yelled as blood dried from he neck alittle. Vance tore his shirt and raped it around Bruce's neck."Vance!Bruse!" I yelled he looked at us and his eyes whidend "robin?finne?" He said more like a questions "ya that's us. Sorry it's our fault your here he afarently knew you guys were our friend and ya. You can pick a bed for you and Bruce. One of those two" I explain pointing at each side of the room. Vance then nodded and picked Bruce up bridal style and when to the bed closest to he window. Afew minutes of silent me and Robin got up and when to Vance and Bruce's bed. I was talking to Bruce when Robin dragged Vance over to the other side of the room. They started talking while me and Bruce were talking about our crushes.
"ya then he hugged and while I was still on his lap. Then he kissed me! I was having so much fun! I felt like it was a dream." I told Bruce. He chucked"after you when missing I was super sad. And vance conforted me. Yesterday while in the bathroom I was with Vance crying. He looked at me and kissed me!"bruce said very happy"atleast somthing good ca e out of me going missing" I said looking down." Hey dont say that!" Bruse yelled at me. I smiled

With Robin

I dragged vance over to the other side of the room"so I have three things to say dude" I said "shoot" he said leaning against the wall "so one, sorry that your here it's our fault. Two, take care of Bruce the grabber was being very flirty and touchy with finn and I don't want that happening to bruce." I stopped and looked into Vance eyes he looked enraged. He loved finny like a little brother. And he flat out loves Bruce so I know he won't let anything happen to him

"Third, ok so right now might not be the best time but I plan on......

Cliffhanger ;)

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