Gay Gray
"Love you more!"

"I love you Ria. Call us if you need us."

Rick roll
"Love you principessa. Be safe please."


"Come on love, lunch is ready."

"Can we talk after lunch Saylor?"

"Sure, is something wrong?"

"No, no. I'm just...I'll tell you later actually. It's not a big thing anyway."

"If you say so."

Saylor and I walked to the dining room and sat down. My brothers and their girls were keeping up small talk. My brain was to focused on the boarding school and Saylor.

"Psst...they'll think you hate them if you don't change your facial expression. And quite stabbing the food."

Kai nudged my food under the table. I looked at him and gave him a half smile and stopped messing with my food. I took a few bites here and there, but my brain was still preoccupied.

"Muffin is everything okay?"

"Huh?...oh yes, yeah. Mhm. I'm fine."

Kai tried to hide his chuckled from my randomness but he didn't do a good job.

"Shut up."

I kicked him under the table.

"Whag was that for? Javan she kicked me."

"You were laughing at me."

"I was not."

"You were too, you didn't even try to hide it."

"I feel like you're just trying rk get me in trouble now."

"Well I won't be here for a year so it'd be better to do it now then never."

"Wow! So you do just want to get me in trouble?"

"I would never want to get my brother in trouble, you must be hearing things."

"Now you're insulting me!"

"¿Como si no me hubieras hecho lo mismo a mí?"
(As if you haven't done the same to me?) Spanish)

"Well now none of us understand you."

"Can you two stop? Both of you just eat your food and then you can go to your rooms."

"I'm done."

I stood up and left. I mean I wasn't going to eat any more.

"Victoria sit back down!"

I ignored Javan and went to my room. I showered, read a book, drew a little bit. Packed a few more things. Now I'm laying in bed watching Disney on my TV when someone walked into my room.

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