Ginny: Y/n what are you looking for?? I can help if you want !!!

Y/n: Thank you little owl, I will really appreciate it !!!

My family and I call Ginny our little owl since she was a baby !!! I don't know why, but it was mom's idea !!! 

Ginny: What are you looking for??

She stood up and came to where I was 

Y/n: The black notebook with the gold letters which I wrote about the species and kinds of flowers !!! I lost it and I can't find it anywhere !!!

Ginny: Don't tell me it's the one with the humiliate Polaroid pictures as a bookmark !!!

Ron: The humiliated ones !!! Y/n I swear if you don't find it I will kill you with my own hands !!!

Harry: Oh god, I love those pictures, especially the one when you and Ron were-

Before he finished, we all glared at him, and he stopped talking !!!

Harry: Okay, okay sorry 

He said and continued his breakfast 

Y/n: It's not my fault it fell somewhere !!! Hermione said she saw me holding it a month ago before my detention !!!

My eyes became wide because that was when I realized that I forgot the fact that Malfoy maybe is the one who can actually have it !!! 

Y/n: Will you excuse me for a second, I think I know where it is 

When I exited the Great Hall I waited behind the large doors and after 20 minutes Malfoy walked out alone, so I grabbed his hand and I took him to the nearest storage room !!!

Draco: God Weasley, you almost gave me a heart attack

Y/n: Give me my notebook back, Malfoy!!!

I said to him, and he just crossed his arms and smirked !!!

Draco: I don't know what you are talking about!!!

Y/n: Give me my notebook !!! You know, the one you took after our detention !!! I want it back, it's mine !!!

Draco: First of all you are ignoring me for a month, and then you are accusing me that I stole your notebook !!! Ouch !!!

He said laughing and putting his hand on his heart !!!

Y/n: Let me accio your bag then 

Draco: No 

He panicked and hide his bag behind his back 

Y/n: Why not ??? I am gonna accio my notebook and if I don't find it then I am going to leave you alone !!!

Draco: My bag is a private thing 

Y/n: So is my notebook 

Draco: Then you shouldn't have lost it

Y/n: So you have it !!! Why does Hermione have to be right about everything???

Draco: Maybe I have it, maybe not 

Y/n: Give it to me 

Draco: No

Y/n: Fine, keep it, just give me my bookmark !!!

He smirked and came closer to me, and then he whispered in my ear!!!

Draco: What will you give me in exchange ???

I felt my cheeks burning, and I hoped he didn't see my blush !!! But of course, he did because he smiled proudly, and I just wanted to punch him so badly in his face !!!

Draco: Take it !!! It was fascinating reading it !!! I didn't know you are a flower lover or that they are so many flower species !!!! You write a lot of interesting information in there nerd!!! And also nice bookmark !!!

He said and left with a smile, and I just scoffed at him !!! When I opened my notebook, I noticed that one of the pictures on my bookmark was missing, and it was the picture with me when I was around four lying on the snow making a snow angel with my red coat and the sweater my mom made me with my first initial on it !!! My hair was in braids, and I was wearing a gray cap !!! My cheeks and my nose were pink from the cold !!! It was one of my favorite pictures of me because I looked cute, and I knew he kipped it !!! But why this one and not the humiliating one with me and Ron playing in mad when we were two !!! Or the others with Fred and George or Ginny !!!! Or the one with Percy, Billy, and Charles !!! Why me ???

Hello Guys,

Why do you think Draco kept the picture ??? And also what do you think about this part ??? Today is the first of September and you know what that means, Happy back to Hogwarts day !!! I need company to cry with because my letter is still not here, and I am waiting since I was 9 so let's cry together !!! I hope you all have a wonderful day !!! 

See you soon,


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