go-time ***

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my heart is drenched with the love of a cynic, scarred beyond recognition by the friend of a sceptic, softened into warmth again by delicate sadness, enraged for a greater good by distant passion

"i get wild and fucking crazy", it's true, i thrive on chaos but i need someone to tell me it's only temporary

it's always go-time but i'll never leave... i've got children pressed to my chest and names tattooed on the inside of my ribs; it's go-time to forget the heart-make-and-break

we're on the bus and when i feel you in my bones, you'll feel me saying goodbye

i care and i don't care enough but it's all by design, don't worry

it's go-time but it's confusing and paralysing because i see metaphors in the way you lick the salt off your hand and in the way you don't look at me

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