without you ***

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without you

lie to me, lie to me when we're chest to chest on my bed

don't be so cruel, don't you dare tell me the truth

hold me in your lap and tell me wild stories, fill my romance with reckless comedy, the kind i like, and i'll show you how to give a fuck, i'll show you just how sweet i can be

in these open arms, you're mine but i'm not yours to take... i demand attentive tragedy because my love is cynical and disastrous, grace will fall from you as you give in to me

let me make you lie, let me make you mine

let's pretend i'm in charge, little cold heart, these are the songs you can touch me to, fuck me over to

i know i'd have a better time without you and i did but, babe, my mascara's smudged for you and i want to be in your arms

but it's always silent, i never hear your footsteps

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