Shopping Centre

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Shopping centres are fun for some, but to kitten they're scary. They're like huge glass cages filled with people. The sky goes on forever and the rows upon rows of shops look like prison cells. Its never quiet here, the constant droning of people chattering fills the air.

Alpha: kitten are you alright? You stopped walking.

Alpha smiled gently towards his kitten who was stood frozen on the spot.

Kitten: kitten doesn't like it here, kitten wants to go home.
Alpha: but we promised to go shopping for your mum.

Glancing around kitten takes another step but the air is too heavy and kitten can't breathe properly. Voice raspy in between small gasps for air, nyan's feet Start to drag and the world around nya feels as though it is slowing down.

Suddenly Alpha appears in front of kitten and clasps hands over nyan's ears.

Alpha: breathe, I've got you kitten

The Alpha and his Kitten Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat