dua puluh sembilan.

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( kim myungsoo's pov )-

" kenapa u tipu i? u cakap haneul diagnosed with cancer. but it's not real, " tanya naeun yang sedang duduk bersilang kaki di depanku.

" i want to u to pity him. so u will marry with me, " jawabku jujur. naeun terkedu.

" are u kidding! are u aware of what you're saying right now? u knew that ur word can be a reality to him, " bentaknya perlahan.

aku menganggukkan kepalaku perlahan. " i knew and i'm fully aware. but i was so dumb at that moment. i'm full of myself, and then right now i suffered everything from what i did in the past, " luahku.

naeun mengeluh perlahan.

" bila first time u jumpa i. i tak rasa our encounter dekat hotel malam tu was ur first time? " tanya naeun dan aku terkejut.

" how did u know? " tanyaku pelik. " haneul, " aku jawab sepatah dan aku menganggukkan kepalaku perlahan. " oooo... ".

aku menarik nafas dalam. actually i saw u when u're crying at your parent grave. on that day, i was visiting my wife, and then, i saw u, there crying alone on the ground for about an hour i guess, " terangku dan muka naeun berubah.

" did u saw me there? " tanya nya minta kepastian. aku menganggukkan kepalaku.

" yes, ".

" so, are u the one who's left ur sandal there? " tanyanya. aku tersenyum nipis lalu menganggukkan kepalaku perlahan. " yes, ".

" omaigod! what is this! ".

" then? " tanya naeun dan aku hanya menjongketkan bahuku. " then, i'm supposed to say that i'm kinda love u for the first sight, but unluckily at that moment, i'm already in relationship with hyera. so it's kinda complicated, ".

" and i'm just leave my feeling there, at the graveyard. and luckily, one month later, haneul introduce me about u, ".

" and i was shocked. i thought i will never meet u again. and now, siapa sangka yang u dah jadi wife i. dah hampir setahun, ".

" and tanpa i sedar dah hampir setahun i abaikan tanggungjawab as your husband, and abaikan u as mt wife. u knew i'm so relieved that now i have the audacity to say ' i'm sorry to you '. and i'm so sorry for letting u love me even i'm not treat u well, " luahku dan naeun hanya mendiamkan diri.

" are u finally really in love with me? are u willing to let me be your wife for the rest of your life? " tanya naeun sambil merenung mataku dalam.

" yes, i'll, " jawabku, serious.

" then, whats about hyera? " tanya naeun.

" actually i really don't know what i'm going to do, right now. but the only thing that keeps running on my mind is u. how i want to seek ur forgiveness. will u forgive me. will u still loving me. and will u be happy if u keep living with me, " luahku lemah.

" i knew our beginning is not sweet like someonelse, but one thing that i can guarantee and u can keep this, if we succeed in opening our new books, i promise that we will end the book as fairy-tale stories -- they lived happily ever and after, " kataku sambil merenung muka perempuan yang bergelar isteri ku.

dia tersenyum nipis.

" i alwyas knew that u're a good person, " gumamnya perlahan. dia kemudian berdiri. " give me one week, and then i will give my answer to you, " kata naeun dan dia terus beredar daripada ruang tamu.

aku tersenyum. kemudian, aku terus bangun dan berjalan ke arah kolam renang. aku merendamkan kakiku ke dalam kolam.

" i'm sorry, " seperti ada seseorang berbisik di telinganya, aku terus tersenyum pahit.

" it's not your fault. all problem that occured always started with me, " gumamku perlahan.

" hyesun, hyera, eomma, nangni and also haneul. the problems about them always start with me. i don't know why i always being so stupid, " luahku lagi, dengan nada perlahan.

" she'll choose u, dont worry, ".

aku hanya tersenyum lalu memandang ke arah kananku yang hanya kosong. " thanks for u comforts, hyesun-ah, " gumamku lagi.

to be continued -💌

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