ending with myungsoo.

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- i'm sorry, and i always pray that u'll be happy for the rest of your life 🦋 -


( kim myungsoo's pov )-

seminggu sudah berlalu, dan naeun masih belum memberi jawapan kepadaku. aku pun tak tahu ke mana naeun menghilang untuk seminggu waktu tersebut.

aku kemudian, berjalan dan duduk di atas bangku berhadapan dengan han river. sedang aku melayan perasaan, tiba-tiba, ada seseorang duduk di sebelahku.

" how r u? " tanyanya lembut.

" i'm sorry, " kataku perlahan.

" i don't deserve that. it's just for nangni. because she's the one who hurted, " balas perempuan tersebut. " u rasa nangni akan pilih balik dengan u ke tak? " tanya nya sambil membaling seketul batu ke dalam sungai.

" i don't know. but i wish she still did choose me. but, i'm okay if she didn't. now i realize something, if she happy with someone else, then, i dengan rela hati akan lepaskan dia. but if she'll happy with me, until i die, i'm not gonna let her go, " luahku sambil tersenyum nipis.

perempuan tersebut tergelak kecil. " you're too jiwang lah oppa, " guraunya dan kemudian, dia menepuk bahuku perlahan.

" oppa bertuah sebab nangni just inform i je, kalau dia bagitahu hyungwon jugak pasal problem korang, lagi complicated lah masalah ni, " terang yoona.

aku hanya tersenyum nipis.

" okay lah oppa, i'm gonna go, " kata yoona dan dia berdiri. " don't worry she's gonna choose u. because you're her home. her happiness, " kata yoona dan dia terus beredar pergi.

" don't berharap too much kim myungsoo, she's not gonna forgive u too early, " gumamku perlahan tiba-tiba, aku terdengar kekekan kecil daripada belakang.

aku terus memalingkan badanku. aku tergamam dan terus berdiri. dia mendekatiku dan menarikku untuk duduk di atas bangku.

" am i a ghost? don't i too beautiful to be a ghost, " tanyanya sambil tersenyum nipis ke arahku.

" i'm sorry, " kataku dan dia tersenyum nipis.

" for what? ". " for everything, ".

" actually when you're fallen for hyesun eonnie, i'm really mad at her. it is because i love u first before her. but i knew that you're gonna choose her, yeah because she's more decent and perfect than me, ".

" and for a moment, after she died, i felt really happy. i knew i'm bad for being happy after my own and only sister was died, but that's the effect on me for loving u, too much. oh maybe for obsessing u, ".

" then, i came to your life. i did everything to make u interested at me and in the end, you did. you can't see how happy i am for that opportunity, ".

" and she came. for the first time ever, i feel insecure and scared of being left by u, because of her. i knew she can change everything in our life. and yes, it's not false right. you fell for her, ".

tiba-tiba, hyera mendiamkan diri.

" for the second time i lost u again. i knew u gonna say that i will find a better person than u, but why u can't be that person," hyera merenung mataku dalam.

" i'm sorry. i can't hurt my wife again. and i'll keep loving her until she come back to me, " balasku tegas. aku kemudian berdiri.

" she's gonna coma back to you. lucky u, " kata hyera dan dia terus bangun dan beredar daripada situ.

aku berkerut. " what the hell! what's wrong with these people. kalau dia tak balik kat aku macam mana? " bebelku perlahan.

tiba-tiba, telefonku berbunyi. -haneul-.

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