fifteen: grocery shopping

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STEVE HAD WOKEN up before Kate, just like he normally did

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STEVE HAD WOKEN up before Kate, just like he normally did.

For about a minute, Steve had been absolute bliss. Before his eyes had even fluttered open, he could smell her perfume. She always sprayed it after she got out of the shower, her reasoning being it stuck better if she did it then. Her head was rested on his shoulder, his arm wrapped around her back. She was perfectly fine now, seemingly snuggled up against him. That feeling of Kate in his arms again, that feeling of their legs intertwined, that feeling of her hand in his made everything shadow in comparison—she was the only thing in the world as far as he was concerned.

That was when he remembered once again that Kate wasn't truly his, even if it had felt that way for a fraction of a second.

He had carefully untangled himself from her whenever he'd finally decided to get out of bed, careful not to make too many sudden moves. Once he'd pulled himself out from underneath her, he placed a pillow under her head, trying to keep as close to her former position as possible. He didn't want to wake her up right now: he had to take a shower, make his hair more presentable than it had looked in the past couple of days.

Nancy wouldn't be at his house to pick them up for at least another hour or two anyway, so she definitely had time to sleep a bit more. He had no idea when she had finally fallen asleep, but he assumed it had taken her a while to relax enough to where she could after the night she'd had. He owed her the opportunity to get a couple more hours, and he was going to cash in on that now rather than later.

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