Zombie Apocalypse

Start from the beginning

"I hope so, MJ. It's been a year and a half since this outbreak started. We've lost almost everyone." Peter says. Ned grabs Peter's other hand.

"But we haven't lost everyone. We're still here. Clint is here. Bruce is working on a cure right now too." Ned says. Peter smiles.

"If only Shuri wasn't gone. She'd have the cure finished by now." Peter says, remembering how his friend had been one of the first ones infected.

"Yeah, well now you can brag how you helped make the cure for the zombie apocalypse and saved her ass," MJ says.

The three laugh.

"Guys. We've got incoming. It's not good." Clint says. Natasha and Steve stand in front of the four. Clint loads an arrow. 

Peter lets go of Ned and MJ and ready his web shooters. He walks up by Clint.

"Auntie Nat? Please don't do this." The boy says. The creature that used to be his Aunt stares at him with lifeless eyes.

"Peter...PETER LOOK OUT!" Ned screams. Peter is suddenly pushed aside and looks back to see zombie T'Challa grab Ned and bite him.

"NO! NED! NO!" Peter shouts. Clint has engaged zombies Natasha and Steve, trying to keep away from their mouths, while also trying to keep the zombies away from Peter, Ned, and MJ...now just Peter and MJ.

"GO! GET TO THE BUNKER!" Clint shouts as Steve starts to overpower him. Peter grabs MJ's hand and pulls her into the air, swinging away from the zombies. They reach an empty roof and crash down.

"He's...he's gone," Peter sobs. MJ wraps her arms around him. She looks around, seeing zombies everywhere. They need to go.

"He saved you, Peter. Let's get to that bunker so he didn't save you for nothing." She says. Peter nods. He grabs her waist and pulls them back into the air, his web fluid running dangerously low.

It finally runs out and they crash down to the ground.

"I think this was the bunker," Peter whispers, looking at the crushed building.

"I wonder what happened?" MJ says. A roar pierces the air a second later, answering their question.

"It was crushed to pieces by an angry zombie Hulk," Peter says, MJ nodding in agreement. She glances behind them, and says,

"Peter...we've got company." She tugs on Peter's sleeve, turning him around.

"Shit, SHIT, SHIT, SHIT!" Peter shouts as he sees the zombies Clint, Natasha, Steve, and Ned running at them. He turns to MJ and pulls her in for one last hug, whispering, 

"MJ, get in the remains of the building. See if Uncle Bruce left any part of the cure behind." MJ runs off into the building. He turns back to the approaching zombies and sees that they've been joined by zombie Tony.

He hears MJ scream and looks back.

"MJ!" He cries out as she's grabbed by zombie Hulk and bitten. He turns, deciding not to fight the five zombies, and runs into the building, or what's left of it, hoping to find a cure.

"Is it down to me?" He wonders aloud as he races through the halls. 

"Am I all that's left?" He asks, starting to cry.

He finally finds the lab and searches frantically for anything, but finds nothing. He sinks to the ground in defeat as the doors open.

Zombie Ned walks in.

"Please, Ned. Please don't. You're my best friend. My guy in the chair. My...my" He trails off as the zombie gets closer. He tries to run, but he's cornered.

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