Zombie Apocalypse

75 2 16

Category: Angst(ish) with a happy/funny ending

I saw this idea while scrolling through Pinterest and decided to use it as a one-shot idea.


3rd Person POV

"Mr. Stark! NOOOOOO!" Peter shouts as his mentor jumps in front of the approaching zombie.

"Run, Pete. Before they get you too." The genius says as the zombie grabs him, sinking its rotting jaws into the living flesh.

"I can't lose you too," The boy cries. The billionaire groans in pain as the infection starts to take effect.

"Don't worry...ugh...Pete. I'm always...AH...here. I LOVE YOU, KID!" The former superhero shouts as the infection takes over.

"NO!" Peter screams as he runs away from his former mentor, sobbing, as he loses another father figure.

"NO!" Peter shouts, waking up in a cold sweat.

"Shit shit shit shit," He mumbles to himself.

"I shouldn't be sleeping. Not with a fucking apocalypse outside." He says. He gently shakes MJ and Ned awake.

"Are you okay, Pete? You look upset." MJ asks once she sees her boyfriend's face. He shudders at the memory of the dream.

"Just a bad dream," He assures her. A knock at the door brings all three to attention.

Ned grabs the bat from beside the door, ready to knock the possible intruder out.

MJ stands ready to open the door.

And Peter has his web shooters at the ready, his last two cartridges loaded, ready to tie up the zombie and subdue it.

"One...two..." Peter whispers.

"Three." MJ rips the door open and Ned attacks. As soon as the person is down, Peter aims to web them up.

"WAIT!" The person shouts.

"Uncle Clint?" Peter asks, warily. The possible human on the floor doesn't seem to be zombified.

"I promise I'm not infected. Natasha said you guys were here. But we've gotta move." He says, staying on the floor.

"Why? This has been hidden from the zombies so far?" Ned asks.

"Yeah, Aunt Tasha and Uncle Steve are the only two that know where we are," Peter says.

"Yeah...well, they're both zombies now. Natasha, being the self-sacrificing ass she is, literally threw me out of the way. Steve was the one that attacked us." Clint says.

"We have to go. Zombies keep their most recent memories. If Natasha or Steve knew where we are, they'll be on their way here." MJ says. Clint nods.

"Yeah. I've got a bunker across town. Bruce is already there, working on a cure." Clint says.

"Got it. Let's go." Ned says. The three grab anything they need and follow the archer out into the apocalypse.

"Think you could swing us over, Pete? We're safer in the air." Clint asks. The Spiderling shakes his head.

"I only have two cartridges left. I'd rather not use them unless necessary." He explains.

"Alright. Be on your guard then. Let's just hope Bruce has made progress on the cure." Clint says.

Peter reaches out and grabs MJ's hand. She squeezes it and looks over at him.

"We'll be okay. Bruce is working on a cure. You'll be able to help him. With you two working together, it'll be done in no time." She says. 

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