Chapter Twenty-Four: A Walk with the Deity Beasts

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When I got a better view in front, my brows raised as I saw who the other person was.

Well, it was none other than Remus, while the opposing side was someone whom I do not know off.

Oh, actually, I seem to have encountered him before.

Hmmm, but where?



It was him, the one who electricuted me on the chamber!

I almost did not recognize him for his hair was slick back unlike before, which was a mess.

But, what was his name again?



I watched them in focus as their swords clash and their stance change in each thrust of the metal swords towards each other. Alot of cheers was heard all over the oval.

The moment the Scarlet haired boy took a step back and thrust his sword onwards, Remus also charged avoiding the opponent's swing blocking it. He then swung his sword clanging towards the other which sent it flying upward. Remus then kicked his opponent's leg which made him lost his balance and fell.


With that Remus pointed his sword onto his opponent's chin.

The cheers became louder, congratulating the winner. The sword that got out of the grip of the Scarlet haired boy fell clanging into the ground.

Remus lowered his sword as he leaned down extending his hand as he offered to help his opponent on the ground. The other, unfortunately, slapped it out of his way and stood by himself. Bumping into Remus as he went and picked up his sword then walked away from the crowded area with a grim expression plastered onto his face.

With the boy's reaction from losing, I am guessing this wasn't just a normal spar.

"So Rei, how do feel about Remus's defending you from the pyscho ex of yours."

My head turned immediately towards my right as soon as I heard Rinalyn's voice. I can see them standing not too far from where am at, nudging her elbow to Rei who was next to her.

"Puh-lease! He's not my ex, we never even dated, he just courted me despite being rejected then he stopped out of nowhere."

"Maybe because, he knows you still won't give him the sweet 'yes' of yours, so the man gave up."

"I was about to give him a chance since he did seem sincere, but then poof! He's gone and never showed his face to me again, until recently. Hell, I didn't even know he's still studying here, I thought he transferred without notice. I didn't even know we were on the same class."

"Right, You two were on the same class from freshman till last year, weren't you? And still is. Wow, fate!"

Their voices started to become faint for they started to walk away as well as the swarm of students leaving the oval.

So, does that mean the spar was all because of Rei? Hmmm. It's also quite rare to see Remus defending Rei, well, he either was forced or volunteered. I'm guessing it was the former.

While lost in thoughts, I realized how much event happened in less than a month. It wasn't bad, It was fun actually, except the dying part of course.

I sometimes thought of dying, and I guess I'm not particularly scared of it since it is always part of human nature. A cycle. I do want to experience death at some point too, but I hate being in pain.

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