22. what was that?

Start from the beginning

Antonio falls asleep pretty fast on your lap. He ran to hug you as soon as he stepped in the room. Dolores had roughly explained your situation to him. The older sister sits between Isabela and Camilo and tries to tell the twins to shut up every once in a while. As for your older sister, she steals a few glances at you during the movie, hardly succeeding in being discreet trying to look over Luisa, in whose side you were snuggling and soon fell asleep as well.

In fact, all of you fell asleep.


"KIDS WAKE UP !" Agustín bursts into the room (with Casita's help, obviously), panicking once again. "SOME OF Y'ALL'RE GONNA BE LATE FOR SCHOOL !"

You groggily open one eye, then the other, and groan as come to the conclusion that your first sight of the day is Mirabel's undoubtedly gracious sleeping face laying on your stomach. You shake her awake as your father grabs the first ankles he sees and pulls them out of bed ; Camilo's and Dolores', who fall face first onto the floor that you barely have time to make soft enough to avoid some unfortunate bruises.

If you know those kinds of mornings well enough, used to waking up a bit too late, most of them never encountered Agustín in those situations. It was always one hell of a ride. Dolores covered her ears as he began shouting again.


Everyone relatively confusedly escapes your room, leaving you alone to change into your daily clothes. You're the first to join your dad in the kitchen, and you help him displace the leftover arepas for breakfast. Antonio, Dolores, Isabela and Luisa probably went back to bed already.

"Are you sure you want to go back, mija ? Things are-"

"Don't worry, Pa. Everyone's probably scared of me now, so I'm positive they won't try anything. And if they do, well..."

Mirabel enters the room, not leaving you time to answer. It might have been for the best, because you weren't sure your father would have approved of your decision.

Now that everything had gone out, you had no more reason to hold back. You'd make sure whoever tried to mess with you would only do it once. Even if that meant getting into more trouble.


"It is my duty to keep you out of trouble." Luca affirms when he has to hold you back when a fourth-grade student greets you with a slap on the back of the head and you try to retaliate with a kick in the balls. Instead, Leta takes care of him by replicating the exact same thing he had done to you and warning him not to find himself alone in a room with you because they wouldn't be here to stop you. "The teachers are going to watch your every move this week. We don't want you to get expelled."

"So what ? It's my last year of school anyway."

"You still have so much to learn."

"Like what ? How to react when those people stare at me like I'm an attraction ?"

Luca turns to where you were looking, and incidentally flipping people off, to find three younger girls looking away with wide eyes.

"No, more like, how to be decent at math."

"Ugh, I hate math." Leta sighs, only now taking part in the conversation.

"Me too !" You both fist-bump, and you smile at Luca in victory.

"Thanks for your help, Leta." The boy rolls his eyes, but the shadow of a smile plays on his lips.

"No problem."

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