14. math genius

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"Yo, (Y/n), you have no idea how looong we waited for you. I'm sorry we left earlier, I couldn't take it anymore."

Was what Camilo intended to say, forgetting he had stuffed his mouth with snacks just a minute ago. What you heard was more muffled and incomprehensible words.

"Yahanodiawlungouieitdoryoo. Amsryilftrler, ashoodttakieyore."

"That's an interesting point, Camilo." You set your bag next to your chair before sitting at the kitchen table. "Meet Luca. You can sit next to me." You turn to your friend who timidly smiles at your cousin (who was gracefully trying hard not to choke on his food) and takes place next to you.

Carlos quickly snatches the last snack left on the table and runs upstairs, where you hear his door open and slam behind him. He must have missed loneliness.

"Hey, who's that ?" Mirabel slaps Camilo's back, somehow managing to make him swallow the entirety of the food he stuffed in his mouth, and sits next to him, before pushing a full glass of orange juice towards you. She hesitates giving Luca her own for a second.

"My friend Luca. You guys can talk while I bring us some more snacks- not for you, Camilo." You kill any hope your cousin may have had and go on a noble quest to find some food left that he and Mirabel didn't already devour.

There's a slight silence before one of them speaks.

"Nice to meet you." Luca simply says, and that's enough for Mirabel to explode.

"Are you going out with my sister ?!" She blurts out, all smiles.

You freeze at her sudden question, almost dropping the glass you were getting for Luca. His response, however, makes you snort discreetly and go on with your task.

"No, we were planning to do homework together. So I think we'll stay inside, even though the weather's lovely."

Mirabel opens her mouth, puzzled, trying to find her words.

"I meant... Are you and (Y/n), you know, together ?"

You carefully set the glass in front of Luca, as well as some leftover snacks you found. The both of you exchange fakely confused gazes.

"Yeah, I mean that's pretty obvious. We are all together, in this room, right now." He shrugs, stating the facts.

You nod matter-of-factly as Mirabel watches the both of you with worried eyes. Next to her, Camilo, who was watching the whole exchange with curious eyes, can't help but giggle at her desperation.

"Thanks for the snacks, (Y/n)." Luca smiles warmly.

Him, Mirabel and Camilo talk and get to know each other while you silently observe them, making sure everything goes smoothly. It was the first time you had brought a friend home, hence Mirabel's excitement and... Weird questions.

She was convinced you had friends at school, so the one you actually allowed in your home should have been very special to you.

You also learn some things about Luca. He was an only child, he liked to read, his favorite food was anything that involved chocolate -Camilo asked that question-.

"Well, guys, we still need to do the homework." You say after you realize they had talked for about twenty minutes. Camilo pouts when Mirabel makes him stand up by pulling his collar, but beams when an idea seems to hit him.

"Hey, you know what ? We were planning to go swimming this weekend, wanna come along ?" He proposes, and Mirabel nudges him. Maybe he should have let you decide whether to ask him or not.

Luca looks at you with questioning and slightly hopeful eyes. You silently question him as well -did he really want to come ?- and he nods a little bit, so you shrug.

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