10. family trust each other

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"La familia Madrigal !"

"Isa, wait up !" You struggle to follow your sister after Abuela ends breakfast, almost tripping on your own foot and bumping into Agustín. You weren't his daughter for nothing.

But she pretends not to hear you and continues towards the town, you following closely behind, eventually catching up to her.

"Haven't you got chores to do ?" She sighs when you finally match your footsteps to hers.

"Nope. I'm useless." And it was true, sort of. The twins weren't in charge of anything, and you were kind of their assistant in everything. It was never (Y/n)'s chore, but the twins'. You just helped when necessary.

"Well, go be useless somewhere else." She says, smiling gracefully at the few passersby. You were reaching the edge of town, and you just had to cross a bit of forest to reach the small farm Isabela had grown to feed the whole town.

"Nooo, I want to speak to you especially."

She sighs. "Go on, then."

You wait until you get further into the forest to ask what had been bothering you.

"Isa, you're not interested in Mariano, right ?"

She freezes, making you stop walking when you realize you left her behind. You turn to find her widened eyes staring at you, almost threateningly.

"What makes you say that ?"

"My incredible sense of observation."

"Well, your incredible sense of observation is wrong. Mariano is... Perfect."

"Not perfect for you though."

She drops the bullshit and walks up to you, taking your hands and looking into your eyes. "Listen, (Y/n), you can't tell anyone."

You shake your head. "But why ? If you don't like him, it's better to say it now or else Abuela's gonna start planning your wedding soon !"

You said it half-jokingly, but Isabela's serious expression makes you frown.

"Isa ?"

"That's what it's all about, (Y/n). A good marriage for the family."

"Ah." You suddenly feel dumb for not guessing right away. Of course, it was about marriage. Abuela wouldn't be so happy about a simple relationship. "I may be stupid."

"At least you admit it." Isabela rolls her eyes, making your heart sting a bit. She never seemed to be joking when she said that, and that only told you the mean jokes you made about yourself were true to her.

"But, why can't you just tell mom or dad about it ? I'm sure they'll understand and tell Abuela."

"And what will Abuela say, (Y/n) ?" She narrows her eyes, annoyed.

"...Nothing nice, good point, but, I wouldn't care if I were you. It's your life we're talking about, you can't let her choose for you."

"(Y/n), it's not that simple." She snaps. You could tell she was growing angry, and that was not what you wanted. But you had to talk about that before it was too late.

"I know, but you can try to explain ! Tell me first, and we'll find solutions ! What if you really do end up marrying that man ?"

"Then it'll be my problem, not yours. And certainly not the family's." She clenches her jaw and starts to walk again, refusing to look at you.

"But that's what family's all about, supporting each other." You follow, trying to get her to open up. Because if you didn't and tried another time, she wouldn't want to say a word about it. "If you tell me, mom, dad, everyone, we'll help you ! You can trust us !"

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