Chapter Eleven

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[ Chapter Eleven ]

[ Movie 1 - The Princess Diaries ]

MY FATHER HAD DROPPED BOTH MIA AND I OFF AT HER HOME, the old firehouse station that was artistically decorated outside despite how plain it looked outside. At the moment, we were watching Mia try on some swimsuits for a party she was going to with a boy at her school. I didn't catch the name, but I hoped she was going with Michael, he seemed perfect for her in my opinion.

"Is Joseph driving you?" Helen, Mia's mother, asked her daughter before glancing at my direction, and I shook my head in response

"No. Joseph was nice enough to take the night off so he could hang out with Gwyn. I'm gonna take the school bus with the other kids. Ok. I look like an asparagus." Mia commented about her two piece with a heavy sigh and I snorted but covered it up with a cough after Helen playfully swatted me with a book she had on her lap

"But a very, very cute asparagus." Helen comforted her with a playful pout on her lips and I bit my lower lip so a sound wouldn't escape

"No, it's ok. Don't worry. I'm just gonna wear my blue suit." Mia shrugged, picking up the light blue swimsuit off the floor

"Are you nervous about the beach party?" I asked my cousin curiously, tilting my head seeing as I never gone to one and I certainly didn't want to go one if I only knew my cousin even though we bonded already

"No. Actually, I'm kinda excited. Are you sure you don't want to go Gwyn? I have a spare suit." Mia offered and I did take a few seconds to think about the choice

"No, thanks but thank you for offering." I told her and she nodded her head at my words with a slight smile

"Are you positive? I think I might get my real first kiss." Mia eagerly said to us and I shared a look with Helen at her words

"Oh? Who from? Michael?" I questioned her since I knew he was interested in her but I wondered if she felt the same way

"What? No. From Josh Bryant." Mia revealed with a happy sigh making me confused since I don't recall hearing that name

"That Backstreet Boy clone you've had a crush on forever?" Helen asked Mia with a frown on her lips making me laugh at her description

"He is not a Backstreet clone, he's a sailor." Mia corrected her mother and I let out a couple giggles at their bickering

"I thought he was never nice to you." Helen said to her, pointing her blue pen at her making me frown that Mia was being bullied at school by her peers

"Oh, well...I don't know, he is now," Mia stuttered in the beginning while she walked towards the bathroom, clutching her blue suit tightly in her hands

"I just kinda hope that if he kisses me, my foot pops." Mia said with a big smile on her face, and my eyes widened in shock at her words

"Pops? Like blows off from your ankle?" I questioned Mia with concern in my voice and she laughed, shaking her head

"No, nothing like that Gwyn. In old films, whenever a girl gets seriously kissed, her foot would just kind of pop." Mia explained to me as she demonstrated what a 'pop' meant and I could already tell by  the look of her face that was daydreaming already, no doubt it was about  a certain Backstreet Boy clone who Mia insisted was a sailor.

"Ha ha ha, pop." I mimicked her words, 'popping' my foot in order to tease her making Helen laugh at my actions

"Okay, I'm going to go get changed now," Mia flatly said, her face flushing red as she started to enter the bathroom

GENOVIA'S ROYALTY | THE PRINCESS DIARIES¹Where stories live. Discover now