Vincent and the New Vampire

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                                  ~Y/N POV~

"You didn't wash the dishes!" My father yells into my face. "Oh! I'm sorry, I didn't realize that I had to wash ONE plate that is in the sink at 3:30 AM!" I yell back, stomping downstairs to the kitchen. "Don't you dare talk back to me! I can take you out of this world just like how I put you in it!" I look at him disgusted. "I'd rather not have coitus with my own father, thanks." I go to pick up the plate but he does before me. He throws it on the ground and it shatters everywhere. Pieces of the glass cut into my skin on my legs and I screech, jumping up onto the counter. "Clean this mess up and get back to bed!" He leaves the kitchen and goes back upstairs.

I carefully come down from the counter and step around the broken glass. I get a dustpan and sweep it up, then throw the pieces into the trash. I put the dustpan back, and begin running up the stairs. All of a sudden, I stub my toe on the leg of the couch that is in the hallway upstairs. As my toe collides with the hard metal, I hear a loud crack. I fall down to the ground and immediately pass out. While I am unconscious, my heart stops.


As I am walking through the forest behinds some houses, I get a wift of some sweet smelling blood. "Hmmm." I close my eyes, and take in the scent. "Where is this sweet savoury smell coming from?" I ask myself, as I follow the scent. I come across a house, and see the upstairs bedroom window open. I go in through the window, and find myself on top of a soft (favourite color) fluffy blanket. I come off the bed, and make my way towards the hall to where the smell is at its strongest.

In front of me on the floor, I see a girl passed out with a horrible open fracture on her foot, and large cuts up her legs. I find myself not being able to control myself any longer, I climb on top of her, and sink my teeth into her neck. I wrap an arm around her waist, and the other supporting her head. I quickly suck her dry, then lift myself up and look at her lifeless corpse underneath me. "Oops." I go to stand up, but before I can, I see her eyes flutter open.


I slowly open my eyes, and find myself face to face with a man. I go to scream, but he clamps his hand onto my mouth. "Don't scream, don't say anything. I won't hurt you." He slowly removes his hand, and I catch my breath. He climbs off of me, and lifts my foot up to his face. He snaps my bones back into place, and puts my foot back down. "How did that not hurt?!" I ask myself, standing to my feet. "W-What happened to me...?" I ask, looking up to the man. I feel myself become a bit flustered when I notice how much taller he is than me. "You died... by walking into a couch and... stubbing your toe." He explains, trying his best not to laugh.

"Ahaha.... what?" I look at my skin and notice how it looks dead. "This... this has to be a joke, did my dad hire you? No... he has no sense of humour." I look at his face again and notice how pale he is and that he has red eyes. "Yo!! Are those real?!" I ask, grabbing his face and pulling it down so I can look better. "Yes... they are real." He says, trying to pull himself out of my grip. All of a sudden, I feel myself get lifted from the ground. The man throws me over his shoulder then goes into my room. "Bruh! What are you doing?!" He goes over my window and he jumps out. "AHHHHHH WHAT THE F-"

He pulls me down so that he is holding me bridal style, and he puts his hand over my mouth. "You need to be quiet, you'll draw unwanted attention." He moves his hand away from my mouth again, and starts walking through the forest. "Where are you taking me?" I ask, starting to get more nervous. "My home." "I- what?! Why?" "You are a vampire now, you need to live like one, or else you will die for real." As he speaks, he shows zero emotion in his face. "So... we are going to live together?" He nods. "Aight, so we basically girlfriend and boyfriend now!" He glances towards my face for a second. "No." "Pfft, you're no fun!" There is silence for a few minutes before he begins to speak again. "Maybe some day."

[The End]

This oneshot was heavily inspired by my Rotting Corpse book, I'd recommend reading it, but.. you shouldn't read it, it's messed up and hasn't been updated in a long time. So... yeah! Some day I will edit that story... heavily, and probably delete the last chapter cuz it is just stupid. Okai anyways, I hope this oneshot was satisfactory enough! Lol

Time Princess OneshotsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora