Chapur's Secret Love

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                                  ~Y/N POV~

I come home after a late night study session with Kahir, Light, and Gina. I put my books on my table, and collapse onto my bed. "You wanted to see me?" I quickly sit up, and see Chapur sitting at the edge of my bed. "Hi Chapur!" I move myself closer to him and I hug him tightly. He hugs me back, much tighter, and gives me a kiss on the top of my head. "Did you need something, n/n?" (N/n is nickname) I pull away for a moment, and look deep into his mysterious eyes. "I wanted to talk to you about something..."

I shift my gaze away from his, knowing well that he probably won't like what I'm about to say. "Alright, what is it?" He asks, slight worry appearing on his face. I hesitate for a moment before responding. "I want to tell my friends about us..." I shift my gaze back to his eyes. He noticeably relaxes a bit, then goes back to his usual cold expression. "Are you sure you want to tell them? You know that they hate me... they might decide to not be friends with you anymore, are you willing to lose them like that?"

Worry appears on his face again as he asks this question. "If they can't support my decision to be with you, then maybe they aren't as good friends as I thought they were, so yes, I am ready for any reaction they might have, I still want to tell them about us." I speak with confidence, and hope that Chapur will be okay with this. Silence fills the room for a few minutes, before it is broken by him speaking again. "I will be there with you when you tell your friends about us." I smile and hug him tightly again. "Thank you, Chapur!"

I begin to feel sleep take over me, so I lay down in my bed, and out stretch my arms. "Cuddle with me!" I say sleepily. Chapur chuckles lightly, then lays down behind me, and spoons me. He plants soft kisses on my neck, then whispers in my ear. "Sleep well, n/n."

~Time Skip~

"Your dating the old mean guy?!" Light yells, anger written all over his face. "He isn't old! He is only 18!" I yell back. "And I- 18?! He is younger than Kahir?!" I roll my eyes, and rub my forehead. "Y/n, I hope you know what you are doing, if you are really in love with Chapur, then I will support you all the way." Gina says, smiling softly. "I agree with Gina, and Chapur, I hope that you treat y/n like the princess she is." Kahir says, crossing his arms in front of his chest.

I smile wholeheartedly, happy that I got support from 2 of my friends. I turn my gaze back to Light, and everyone else looks at him as well. "What?! Why are you all looking at me??" There is silence for a minute, but then he finally exhales. "Okay, fine... y'all are kinda cute together anyways." Light says, whispering that last part. "Yayy! Thank you guys!" I pull them all into a group hug, and pull Chapur in as well.

"Now all four of us can be friends together!" I squeal as I jump in my spot. I jump into Chapur's arms, and hold his face in my hands. "I'm so happy that we don't have to keep our relationship a secret anymore!" I feel myself get lost in his eyes. "Me too n/n, I love you so much." My eyes become wide, but before I can respond again, he passionately kisses my lips. I kiss him back, and let my eyes close. After a few seconds, our lips part. "Um... we are still here you know." Light says, interrupting our moment. "Oh, sorry! We will leave you guys alone then!"

We say our goodbyes, then walk back to my home. "So... you told me you love me back there... you have never done that before." He nods in response, then sits down on my bed, and I sit down next to him. "I do love you, I love you more than anything, more than my own life." He says, looking deep into my eyes. I immediately feel my cheeks turn bright pink, and a goofy smile forms onto my face. "Ehehehe... I love you too, Chapur." He smiles softly, before pulling me in for another kiss.

[The End]

So many times while writing this, "Chapur" kept autocorrecting to "Chapter" it was great. :•D

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