Chapter 22: Date pt1

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Artemis POV

While I'm stuck in this ungodly traffic. I call Mika

"Hey, I'm about to head to one of my classes. What's up?" She answers

"Is Adrianna at school?" I ask

Mika huffs before answering

"Yes she's at school. I can't believe you just called to ask about some silly girl" Mika says

I'm not really sure why but hearing Mika call Adrianna a silly girl made me upset

"She's not a silly girl Mika" I huff out

"I said what I said, I guess I'll see you in a bit" Mika then hangs up the phone

Whoever is causing traffic literally needs to drop fucking died

12:00 p.m.

After an hour I'm finally out and away from that ungodly traffic and just sitting in the school parking lot

I pick up my phone to call Mika again

"Yes Artemis?" She answers with a hint of attitude

"Where are you?" I ask while unbuckling my seatbelt and getting out of my car

"I'm in the cafeteria"

"Great. Come get me please" I say and she huffs then hangs up the phone

I walk up to the school door and Mika slightly pushes it open

"Thank you" I say

"Your welcome. Now tell me how was your therapy session"

"It was fine" I say but that doesn't please her enough so she steps in front of me and stares really hard at my face

"It was more than fine. Tell me please" She says and I sigh and just give in

"It was nice. I might go back sometime next week or something like that" I say and she smiles at me then steps out of my way

We then continue to walk towards the cafeteria

"Are you staying at school?" Mika ask and I shake my head

"I'm only here to fix this situation with Adrianne and then I'm going back home" I say, she nods understandably and grabs my hand

"I'm glad you had a nice time at therapy, I hope it helps you come to terms that you are a survivor" Mika says

I don't say anything because I've came to terms that I was a survivor a while ago, the only thing I have a hard time accepting is that I wouldn't have been a survivor if my birth mother just did her fucking motherly duty and took care of me.

But I guess I should thank her really because if she hadn't gave me away then I wouldn't be this badass multi-trillionaire mafia boss

"And we have arrived at the cafeteria" Mika says while swinging my hand back and forth

The cafeteria is noisy but as soon as we step foot inside, it quickly falls so quiet that I can hear everyone breathing

"Adrianna is sitting with Ronan, Macro, and her brother" Mika whispers to me

I nod and look over at Mika

"Where are you sitting?" I ask

She smiles and shakes her head

"I sit with this lovely girl named Nadia and her sister Madeleine" She says then proceeds to walk towards her table

I then walk over to Adrianna's table but her and her friends don't seem to notice me so I gently knock on the table

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