1// wink wink ;)

4 0 0

When you were going into your freshman year of high school, did you ever think to yourself, this year is going to be the year?

Well, that's what I thought, but this year doesn't seem to be the year. School is only three weeks in and my life is already falling apart. I'm not doing great in school; I'm failing. High school is hard.

My friends have been going behind my back. I think I need to find a new friend group, but not everyone seems to like me. Most of my friends are guys, and I only have one true girl friend. She's the best, though. I met her in preschool. Her name is Susie. She's not the most popular in our grade, but she's my favorite. Then there's Luke. He's in eighth grade, but we're the same age because he got held back in second grade. How one can get held back in second grade,  I don't know. Luke is my other best friend. I don't know what I would do without him or Susie. It does get annoying that Luke and I aren't in the same classes because we're in different grades, but at least Susie is in all my classes!

"What class do you have next?"

"Science," I tell Luke. "What about you?"

"ELA," he says. I nod, then walk off to class.

When I get into the classroom, I see Susie with an empty seat next to her that she must have saved for me. 

I smile. "Aw, I'm flattered," I say sarcastically, and Susie rolls her eyes and tries to fight back a smile. It's not working.

I sit down and start talking to Susie. A few minutes go by before the new kid, Tyler Mack, walks into the room. "Oh my gosh, Susie, look who just walked in!" Susie doesn't really care about Tyler Mack, but I have a bit of a crush on him. He is light-skinned, with curly black hair, and he's so. HOT.

He locks eye contact with me as he is walking in and winks.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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