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Heejin, 7am

Yawn, the girl yawned out as she woke up from her slumber. Her brows frowned, confused, she took a look of her surroundings feeling somewhat unfamiliar.

The walls were painted dark green, and the bed she was currently in was comfortable unlike her usual bed she slept on. And the warmth - the warmth she felt around her was rather odd, probably the oddest of them all.

At first, she thought she was in her partner's apartment. But soon shook that thought off as she never stepped foot in her apartment, for some strange reason.

And the warmth? Her partner wouldn't bother to even touch her. So quickly enough, she knew she wasn't in her or her partner's apartment.

She flipped to the other side, startled upon seeing a not so unfamiliar face in front of her. She studied the girl's face silently admiring each and every part of it - though she shouldn't.

For some reason, she expected to be left alone - like how her partner always did whenever they slept together on her bed. But surprisingly, the other stayed. She stayed by her side with an arm wrapped around her waist. Heejin felt touched.

The girl in front of her soon fluttered her eyelids, mumbling cuss words on the low as she pulled the other in a warm embrace, spooning her like how she always wanted to be.

This was so wrong but yet felt so right to Heejin. She'd dream about this everyday, shortly giving up as her partner just wouldn't do anything. And to finally receive affection, being touched, kissed...Heejin was over the moon - but she shouldn't. She still had a partner. A partner whom for whatever reason she still loved.

"You're already awake.." The other muttered out, her breath going against Heejin's ear, making her stomach feel...ticklish, that's new.

Heejin hummed and snuggled even more onto the other's chest, smiling as she listened to the girl's heart beat normally.

The two stayed in that position for awhile, not doing anything, just enjoying each other's presence. But were soon interrupted by Heejin's alarm, getting off from each other as one got out of the bed fully naked to turn off the alarm, while the other enjoyed the scene from the bed.

"I have to get to work soon." Heejin said with a pout, searching for her clothes everywhere.

"In the drawers...just put on whatever you like. I'll search for your clothes later." The other said as she got off the bed with only her black shorts and a lace bra on, walking lazily to the kitchen while she stretched her limbs.


"I'm sorry, I only have beverages." The girl said, letting out a quiet groan as she accidentally hit her head at the top of the cabinet.

"Is coffee okay to you?" She continued as she stood on her feet caressing her head lightly.

"Yup!" The girl said, hopping on the table as she swung her feet back n forth. Which would be quite odd for some stranger you met yesterday to do, but whatever, the other didn't seem to mind. Heejin feeling comfortable around her is what mattered to the other.

In no time, the coffee was done and Heejin took sips, after sips, making up questions in her head,

"What's your name? My name's Heejin." She asked to break the silence.

"Hyunjin." The other said, flashing her a tiny smile as she sipped on her latte. Somehow managing to make Heejin's cheeks form a light color of red.

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