Chapter 6 | We Friends

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Hyewon dragged you into the room and you have no other options but to sit down and chat with the girls. You were still a little bit star struck at this situation given that the idols that you love the most was sat with you. You couldn't really come up with a topic to talk with them because you were too embarrassed to start a conversation. So you just ended up sat in their break room in awkward silence.

"Well this is nice" you spoke up awkwardly breaking the silence, just trying to find something that could potentially kick start a conversation.

After you saying that, the room was met with silence for a moment. Until Hyewon, Ji Hyo and Jaehee started laughing. You didn't know what was funny because you didn't say anything funny. You were a bit confused as to what they were laughing at.

"What's so funny? I don't get it" you asked curiously.

"Nothing, we just find it funny how you were too embarrassed to talk to us haha" Hyewon laughed it off.

"I'm not embarrassed. I just can't think of anything to say" you denied.

"How about this, tell us which one of us is your bias in the group?" Ji Hyo bravely asked you trying to start a conversation.

If you weren't struggling to speak before, now you really were struggling to speak. You obviously had a bias in mind but you didn't want to tell them who it was and risk breaking their hearts. Telling them who your bias was is just going to make one of them happy and the other five of them disappointed. You had to answer this really carefully.

"I don't think I have a bias in the group, I mean you all are very talented so I'd say I'm biased towards WEEEKLY" you responded trying to avoid giving the true answer.

The truth is you do have a bias in the room, it was Jaehee. You always liked her smile and especially the way she does that pout in the after school routine. It always melted your heart when she does it and it certainly made your heart skip a beat earlier today when they were performing right in front of you.

 It always melted your heart when she does it and it certainly made your heart skip a beat earlier today when they were performing right in front of you

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AN: Honestly this gif gets me every time lol anyways back to the story

"Awww you can't say that. Come on you must have one of us that you like the most" Ji Hyo was not giving up on getting the answer to this question.

"I really don't have a bias" you answered "and even if I have one us high performance athletes are trained to answer questions in a certain way so we don't leak confidential information" you continued hoping they would stop asking you the question.

"Fine let's give Y/N a break from that. Did you enjoy the show?" Jaehee asked changing the topic.

"Yeah, I enjoyed it. You guys gave a good show and I can't believe I got front row seats for that" you said.

"Hope that front row seat show you got helped you improve your dance next time" Jimin mumbled in the background.

"Eh, just ignore her she's in a mood today" Jaehee said "I'm glad you enjoyed the show"

You don't know why Jimin was like that, everything she said was a slight attack towards you, she was being aggressive and the only one doing that to you. The other girls seemed to be very friendly with you especially the three younger girls Jaehee, Ji Hyo and Hyewon.

"At least you could tell us your favourite song from WEEEKLY right?" Hyewon asked.

But before you could answer Jaehee and Ji Hyo cut you off with their respective guesses.

"It's Holiday Party" Jaehee guessed.

"Hey that was going to be my guess, but I guess Holiday Party too" Ji Hyo said excitedly.

"Well you both would be wrong, it's actually Hello haha" you said which caused the two girls to pout following their incorrect guesses.

As you continued to talk with the girls, you didn't realise how many similarities you guys have in between you. You are all celebrities one way and another and therefore it's not easy finding people you could talk with without asking for an autograph the first thing they saw you. It was nice to have someone that you could talk with about K-Pop in your private life. Therefore, the more you guys talked, the more you hit off with each other. Especially with Jaehee and Hyewon. These two girls were the ones who seemed to be the most friendly with you and wanted to talk with you the most.

It was a nice encounter, but all good things have to come to an end. Soon the manager came out and said that their shuttle was ready to leave and take them back to the hotel. You greeted the girls goodbye and you also headed for the door preparing to go home.

"Hey Y/N, it was nice meeting you but we have to go now. See you around I guess" Soojin said.

However, before you could leave Jaehee and Hyewon managed to catch you and asked you something.

"Hey Y/N, this might sound crazy but we'll be staying in London for a few weeks. Do you want to go do some sightseeing with us?" Hyewon asked.

"Yeah and grab some food, you must know some good restaurants around the country since you live here now" Jaehee added.

"Actually, I would love that" you said.

"Cool, it's always nice to have friends from outside the industry so we could talk about things other than K-Pop" Jaehee added.

"And friends hangout, so here's my number. Just message me, I'll sort something out with Jaehee and the manager to see when we could hangout again" Hyewon said as you exchanged phone numbers with her before she left.

As you were leaving, you can't believe the day you just had. You made some new friends, not just any random friends, but Jaehee and Hyewon are now your friends. It was definitely one of the best days you have had so far in your life. You first Formula 1 car launch, front row seats for a WEEEKLY concert, chatting with WEEEKLY, two members from WEEEKLY asking you out and you got Hyewon's phone number. Every thing you dreamt for happened all in this day and you couldn't be more happier about it. You just hoped that your friendship with Hyewon and Jaehee would be a good one.

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