Chapter 37.

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Brendons POV.


I watch as her frail body lands hard on the cement floor. Blood began to gush from her chest where she had been shot.

"She was your daughter!" I yell, tears streaming down my face.

"I don't care, she didn't mean anything to me, no daughter of mine is going to disobey me like that."

"Fucking hell!" I throw my shirt off, crouching down on the floor near her body that started to turn pale, and hold down hard with the shirt on the wound.

"You're honestly wasting your time," Zach smirks, "you act like she's going to make it. You're lucky I need to go get another bullet, I didn't think she would be so difficult."

Zach chuckles to himself as he walks out. A sinister look growing in his eyes.

Did I ever look like that when I did this?

Killing people has always been an easy thing for me, watching someone's life leave the world somehow always gave me pleasure.

But with Emerson, watching her actually die in front of me

I was scared. I was crying.

I needed her to make it.

"Honey, it's okay," I whisper, using one hand to hold down the cloth, the other wiping her hair out of her face.

She was still breathing, but it had become rugged, and her eyes were shut.

Please for the love of god, I need to find a way for us to get out of here.

I look at the door Zach had exited, knowing he had locked it on his way out, he wouldn't be that stupid to leave it.

Couldn't hurt to try it though.

I reach my arms forward, lengthening my body anyway I could while still trying to hold pressure on emerson, my hand reaches the handle, I wiggle it a bit.

But like I expected, it was locked.

"FUCK!" I scream.

Defeated, i slump into the ground. I wrap my arms around Emerson's limp body, pulling her onto my legs and holding her. I couldn't let her die here alone. If I was to die

So be it.

I would be with not only Sarah, but Emerson as well.

I wish she had never met me.

I wish I had never chosen her. I wish I had picked the next persons pictures I found interesting.

Because if I had done it, she wouldn't be dying slowly in my arms.

Her mother doesn't even know about this.

Jimmy had to be the one to tell her, as I might not be alive to do so myself.

How do you tell the woman you loves mother that she had been shot and killed by her own father?

I couldn't imagine the pain she would go through.

I wasn't scared of death, I never have been. My own mother took her life when I was nine, and my dad died in a car accident when I was sixteen, death was going to come one way or another.

Unfortunately, this is not the way I expected either of us to go.

I wanted a life with Emerson. I wanted her to be mine forever.

I could see myself marrying this girl.

And now, I sit here, holding onto her, preparing for her to take her last breath in my arms.

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