Chapter 36.

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Emerson's POV.

I try to adjust my eyes to the darkness of the room, trying to make out little things to see if I could find a way out.

I was beside myself. I was alone, Luke used me, and my dad

No, Zach.

That man was not my father

Zach basically had me kidnapped. And wanted me to do a job for him.

Which i would never, EVER do.

My wrists were almost raw from the way I was tied, and my arms were sore. My feet were tied together to the bottoms of the chair, and my back ached. I was in more physical pain then I have honestly ever experienced.

And that's saying a lot.

Kade would hurt me, but that pain wasn't continued over hours at a time, and when I got shot, I honestly didn't feel it, my body had gone into shock.

But this, this was just pure torture.

Sitting here, I can't help but think of Brendon. What he must be doing right now.

Was he worried about me?

Was he looking for me?

Did he think I left him and just doesn't care to acknowledge that I'm gone?

That last thought terrifies me. If no one cares enough to search for me, I'm going to die here.

A very miserable way to go, if you ask me.

I had no idea how long I've been here, could be an hour, could be days, the darkness and the restraint against my body left me without a clue.

Before I knew it, I'm blinded by a light flashing on. The door begins to open, and I'm met with a person in a black ski mask. They walked towards me, there eyes pierced my own.

The eyes, they looked so familiar.

"Hello Emerson, nice to see you again."


He takes off his mask, and I am sadly met with my expectation. Spencer looked different, but I knew it was him.

His face has become skinner, thin in the cheeks. His eyes sunken in. I couldn't help but notice the cuts in his chin, and the bruises under his eyes.

"You look surprised," he smirks, "I would be too, if I were you pretty girl."

He comes to me, wiping his hands on his jeans before running his fingers along my jaw. Whipping my head away, he begins to laugh.

"Don't like me huh?"

I refused to look him in the eyes, keeping my head down, I see his feet begin to walk away from me, looking as if he's going back to the door, I lift my head up to see him opening the door and letting Zach in the room.

"So," Zach's voice boomed, "have you decided to listen to your father yet?"

"She's a fighter like you, sir." Spencer laughs.

"What can I say, it's the best thing I have to offer."

"Fuck you." I whisper.

I look up and see Zach turned my way, Spencer at his side like a dog, waiting for a bone.

"She definitely isn't the girl I remember, sir, she used to be a little bitch." Spencer agonizes.

I grind my teeth, the burning feeling filled my chest, I felt my face becoming hot.

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