I Belong to Izuku

Start from the beginning

"Hey wait a second." Bakugo said to the two of them. He stopped, keeping his distance. He didn't want Tora to think he was about to pick on them. He had experienced first hand just how strong she was and that was before she knew just how OP her quirk actually was. And he wasn't about to get his ass beat again.

"Look Katsu, if you're gonna pick on me and Izuku I swear I will-"

"It's not like that Tora. I just want to talk." Bakugo said, interrupting Tora as she looked at him with a puzzled expression then turned to Izuku who shrugged his shoulders, clearly just as confused as she was.

"Okaaay... what do you want with me and Izuku?" Tora asked as she raised an eyebrow. She found it weird that he didn't call her Tor-aho, his derogatory nickname for her.

"Tch! No, I want to talk to you Tora. This is between you and me. Deku has to stay out of it." Bakugo said as he gestured for Izuku to go away and give him and Tora space. Izuku seemed worried about Tora, but she nodded at him signaling that it was gonna be fine. He backed off and walked away. Once he rounded the corner, Bakugo turned to Tora.

"Look, the reason I didn't want Deku around is because... because..." Bakugo started to say, but trailed off and paused. Tora just gave him a puzzled look.

"Are you two dating?" Bakugo suddenly asked.

"Yes we are. What's it to you? For the longest time I was just a quirkless loser to you. Does getting my quirk suddenly make me not a loser? You know, just because I have a quirk now doesn't mean I'm going to abandon my best friend who's still quirkless. I'm not like you... You know Katsu, the three of us used to be really good friends. Then you got your quirk. What happened? You just left me and Izuku behind and even started bullying us." Tora answered bluntly to Katsuki who was at a complete loss for words.

"What's going on with you today? At lunch when I left the classroom with Izuku, you gave him a jealous glare then looked at me with this weird sullen frown. Do you like me or something?" Tora asked as Bakugo suddenly blushed.

'She noticed that? Damn it! I should've known she would. Tora is highly observant and very good at analyzing situations and details. And she's only gotten better since the three of us stopped playing together and she started hanging out with that damn nerd Deku.' Bakugo thought to himself.

"Answer me Katsu." Tora said in a firm tone, crossing her arms as she tapped her foot. Bakugo tensed at her voice, his face also becoming red in the process. Looks like she wasn't gonna let it go until he gave her an answer. He looked down at the ground and answered her.

"Yeah, I do." Bakugo said so quietly, no normal human would've been able to hear him. But Tora had a feeling he wouldn't respond with his normal volume. So she used her quirk to transform into her greater wax moth demi-human form. When he looked up at her, she had stringy antennae sticking up from her head and large dull brown moth wings poking out below from underneath her uniform shirt.

"I had a hunch that you wouldn't give me an audible answer, so I transformed into a demi-human form of a greater wax moth: the animal with the best hearing in the entire animal kingdom. Don't worry Katsu, I heard your confession loud and clear." Tora said with a smile as Bakugo cursed under his breath, not thinking that she was using her quirk to partially transform into an animal with incredible hearing. He wasn't used to Tora having a quirk yet.

"I heard that too." Tora told Bakugo who froze. An awkward silence filled the air until Tora spoke, returning to her human base form.

"I'm sorry Katsu, but I can't accept your confession for several reasons. One, I belong to Izuku. I've liked him ever since the day we met when we were toddlers. When he asked me to be his girlfriend at the school dance, I couldn't resist. Two, you've hurt both me and Izuku for years. You looked down on us and made it very obvious to us and everyone else. And three, you're just not my type. I like guys that are more timid, reserved and polite. Guys that are kind and caring with a genuinely good heart that will stop at nothing to rescue someone in danger, putting their own safety aside." Tora told Bakugo the cold hard truth.

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