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HEYYYY!!! This is some random book based off of the animated movie 'Bubble'! It's on Netflix, and it's honestly one of my favorite movies right now. The setting, the colours, the characters, the backstories, just everything about it is great. You should 100% watch it! But anyways, I'm gonna make certain chapters based off of certain characters, and their POV's! I won't add any OC's, or ships, unless canon. Most random stories won't be based off of actual stuff that happens in the movie, but if there are any stories based off of the movie, I'll add a spoiler warning at the top of the page! Sooooo yeah! I hope you enjoy this random book!^^

Also, I won't be doing any requests.(unlesss........./hj)And heres some stuff I will, and won't do!
Will do:
Angst, Fluff, canon ships, maybe requests😱😱😱
Wont't do:
Smut, lemon, x reader, any OC's, and yeah😋👍 slay

uhhh enjoy the story! :D

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