Covert plans

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After a day of tests, questions and lights flashed in my eyes I am finally discharged from hospital with a clean bill of health but they said I have to be careful to prevent head injuries for a while, no shit I always hope to prevent them. Leah had to leave this morning for training but my mum had been here to keep me company with constant questions about my love life. She was so upset she wasn't here when I woke up she was still on her way to the game when she heard. She did tell me she met Leah briefly in their handover of chaperone but she refuses to tell me what they spoke about. I will have to get it out of Leah.
Thankfully I had been airlifted back to the hospital near camp when I was still asleep because I don't think I could do with another flight again so soon.  The team sent a car to come and get us, mum was still impressed with how far the game has progressed for women that we get to enjoy some of the luxuries afforded to us. The journey was quiet which I am glad of as I still have a residual headache I thought I would get away without another question time
"So.." here we go. universal start to an interrogation from a mother
"Mum please I already have a headache can you limit the questions?"
"You don't even know what I was going to say"
"Don't I?" It's only going to be the same questions again "Did the doctors say when you can play again? Are you back with the cute blonde? What about the brunette that was here, tooney?" She pretends she doesn't know their names but my mum has been startstuck since she arrived she'd be an obsessed lioness fan even if I wasn't a part of the team.
"I was just wondering if you had spoken to Leah today?" She was trying her best to come across as innocent
"Not since she left, no. She's at training phones are banned"
"I would have thought Sarina would make an exception" haha mums always think their child is just as important to other people as they are to them
"That's not how it works mum, they can't out the world cup on hold because I've banged my head"
"You were unconscious"
"Ahh tis but a flesh wound" I knew this would make her laugh and hopefully distract her enough to drop it. Luckily she was distracted by a text on her phone so I took the silence as a win and looked out the window the rest of the journey.

In no time we were back to the camp and mum was dropping me off and heading back to her hotel. I walked through the corridor which was eerily quiet, they must have finished training by now, even if they hadn't then there would be other members of staff around. I walked to the physio room noone there, I walked to the games room still noone there. I had one more place to check but it was a little early for dinner so I wouldn't expect anyone to be in the canteen. I opened up the doors and the room was pitch black, I was honestly getting worried that everyone had been kidnapped how do I explain that to the rest of the world, I had a slight chuckle at the thought of me having to do press I would have to claim amnesia from the bump to get out of it.
I feel around to find the light switch, I flip it on and I am immediately hit with 50+ people yelling "suprise" and "welcome back"  I obviously scream because they all made me jump
"Hahah thats karma" tooney pulls me into a hug
"Yeah I guess I deserved that one"
I have several fingers held up to my face
"How many am I holding up"
"The better question is how many ill be holding up if you don't get your hand out my face" I smile and wink at hempo who blushes, so the crush is still there,  noted.
I say hello and thank you to everyone for being so nice and welcoming me back.
I reach the back of the room where Leah has been watching and smiling
"So this have anything to do with you?" I genture to the room
"Who me? When would I have time to do this?" She is smiling from ear to ear at her fake attempt to play coy
I pull her into a hug
"Thank you this means a lot"
"Anytime kid you deserve it"
A thought suddenly hits me as I pull away from the hug
"So did you plan this all yourself?"
"So just a coincidence you knew when I would be back?"
"I've always been good with timing" the smile never faltering
"Completely unrelated of course but my mum said you two met this morning but wouldn't tell me what you spoke about, come to think of it she was texting in the car on the way back"
"You think we were in it together?" She let's out a dramatic gasp
"Y/n you really do have a sneaky mind thinking we were planning this behind your back"
"Your acting skills need some work"
"Enjoy the party come find me later though I have a surprise" she does a quick sweep of the room and decides noone is looking our way as she quickly kisses the top of my head and walks away into the crowd. I feel a little dizzy not from my injury she just has that effect on me. I send my mum a text to say thank you and get an immediate response of "for what" with a winking face. Not sure I like those two plotting behind my back.

I spot Sarina and make my way over to her
"Ahh Y/n good to see you on your feet how are you feeling?"
" I'm feeling good, ready to get back out there"
"I knew you would say that, we will get you back but I want to make sure we do it the right way"
"I know I just don't want to let the team down again"
"Again?" She looks at me confused
"I missed the match and we lost"
She nods slowly and takes her time with the answer
"Yes we lost but we did so as a team it is not 1 player who wins or loses games but  all involved whether they play or not"
She has a way of putting you at ease but also making you want to train harder, be better to impress her
"Thank you, I appreciate you giving me a chance and believing in me I will do everything to get back on that pitch to repay your efforts"
"First we enjoy the celebrations"

We danced and chatted and had dinner together as a team, rebuilding the morale after the loss. I have 2 days until the next game and I have to be ready to play. As everything is winding down I feel my phone vibrate

"Meet me in the kit room" it was from Leah.

I leave the rest of the girls to go find her and to see what my second surprise in one day could be.

The captain and me Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя