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I spent the next hour catching up with my mum about the trip and the opportunities I'm getting but mainly about Leah, the PG version.
"She sounds really nice and I can see by your smile you like her so why did you look so upset when she walked off?"
"The girl she went with is her ex, and the person who's spot I took on the team"
Mum looks at me from across the table, we had gone to the games room for a little bit of privacy.
"Ahhh I see so youre worried your going to lose her so naturally have all your walls up" she knows me way to well
" she's not even mine to lose, it only been a short time but I can feel myself letting her in"
"Then keep letting her in, you don't know their situation only your own so don't push her away because you're scared"  Mum has always had a way to break through all the bullshit and give it to me straight, she's my rock and I don't know what I would do without her
"Thank you for coming you're always here when I need you most"
"Of course darling, you can repay me by scoring as many goals as you can and lifting the trophy" this makes me laugh because I know she's the most proud of me when people tell her I'm polite and kind than any trophy I could win however I think the biggest trophy in football may sway the balance
" Sorry to disturb but Y/n its time to go don't want to be late for practice" G pokes her head through the door
"I'll catch up with you when I can mum hopefully before the game tomorrow but if not then after" I give her a huge hug soak in as much motherly love as I can
"Okay sweetheart keep your head up I love you"
"Love you too"

I walk toward the pitch with G who hasn't stopped smiling since we were alone
"Come on spill it, that smile ain't fooling anyone" she looks at me and I can't help but return her smile it really is infectious
"Okay so Beth wants to make it official" she practically squeals to me
"Ahh G that's amazing im so happy for you" I really was happy for them they had known each other for a long time and clearly both had feelings for the other.
"We've decided to wait until after the tournament but I couldn't hide it from you"
"I will keep it a secret until you're ready" we walk along a little but further until we can see some of the other girls talking on the pitch
"Just think if Leah hadn't suggested to room change then we wouldn't have had the time to talk it though"  So it was Leahs master plan then? Too bad she got stuck with me

Today's practice was mainly skills based so we were split up in our respective specialties which meant Leah and I were kept separate, fine by me she barely made it on time to practice and hasn't bothered even looking in my direction since she did.
"So for the last part of training we're going to have some fun, most outrageous goal wins bragging rights and gets to skip the sprint finish"  the shooting coach loves putting competitions into training but also likes to make it fun. I hated the sprint finish because Hempo always beats me and I'm getting tired of coming in second today
Ellen White goes first and catches a volley perfectly and the ball flies into the top bins -she has set the standard high
Russo goes next, she runs at Mary and just as she gets to her she pivots on the ball to face away lift her leg up and down hitting hit with her heel for the Russo back heel special a crowd favourite so will earn her a few extra points .  The competition has drawn the attention of the other groups as they had finished and were waiting for the sprint.
Of course when it was my go there was a crowd, 90000 I could deal with but 22 people that you admire no thank you. Unfortunately I can't back out so I practice a free kick with the dummy defenders. I place the ball down and take 3 steps back I have a plan its just a little risky. I stride froward and hit the ball up and over the obstacle just above the glove of Mary but too high to go in. It hits the crossbar and bounces back at the perfect angle and arcs down towards to penalty spot. Hoping I caught it right to hit the crossbar I had already started my run to chase up the ball and was waiting underneath it. I lean back and throw my left leg in the air with the right following the momentum and caught the ball at full stretch. I didn't see the end result because as good as they look bicycle kicks always end with with you hitting the floor hard on your back.
I hit the ground and turn to see the ball being picked out the back of the net by Mearps she points to me shaking her head with a little bit of shock on her face
"Really a bicycle kick? That was naughty"
I stand up to a few cheers and comments from the team and then Sarina walks over to me smiling
"Well done, I think we've found the winner aye girls?" The others clap and then are off to do their sprint while I head in to get to the showers first

I'm already showered by the time the others start to come in so I go to the games room to switch off for a bit by playing the basketball game. On the way there I feel a tug at my arm and I am pulled into the kit room and before I knew it there was a flash of blonde before I was pushed up against the wall and I was being kissed, hard! I sunk into it, as apologies go Leah has chosen the best path to forgiveness for not talking to me all practice. Our lips parted and our tongues found a rhythm, I felt her hand move from my hips under my shirt tracing up the line of my body, until her fingers went underneath my bra to play with my nipple. I let out a moan into her mouth and felt her smile into the kiss.

Suddenly I heard the girls walking past the door and it caused me to jump and break the kiss, we can't risk being caught we agreed it would be our secret for now. Leah pulls back too, out of breath I open my eyes to take her in as I havent seen her properly alone since this morning. Instead of blue eyes and freckles I am met with brown eyes.
" you? Why? what just happened?" I move away from the wall to pace the room
"Who did you think it was? You must have know I had a crush on you the other girls tease me about it all the time. After that goal you just scored I had to kiss you"
"I'm sorry I had no idea, I have to go"
I ran out the door, not my finest hour but I need to clear my head, I need to find Leah and tell her.
I go to our room but she's not in there, I can't risk going back to the changing rooms so I head outside to get some air. I see Leah walking the edge of the pitch with her head phones on, she always listens to music to help her think. I hope she has a good playlist because she's not going to like what what I have to tell her.

A/n Any guesses who the mystery kisser was? - Hint it wasn't Jordan!

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