The deal

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Y/n pov

It had been a couple days since Leah and I had our talk and it has been filled with knowing looks across the canteen and quick hot kisses when noone is looking, this girl is making me so wet by barely touching me. Yesterday in training she was manning me in set pieces and as we are practicing corners she stood close behind me and grabs my hips and pulls me to her whilst whispering in my ear that she can't wait to leave more marks on my body. Just as the ball comes in my knees go weak and she clears the ball away.  I decided that I wasn't going to let her show me up in front of Sarina and just before the next cross comes in she gets close so I bend down to tie up my laces and she has to step back or risk people seeing her staring at my arse. It distracts her long enough that I get the ball this time and header it past Mary. We both decided after that there can't be any flirting on the pitch and we have to concentrate.

Today is game day and I have barely slept im so nervous, I was tossing and turning so much that Leah made me sleep in my own bed so she could actually sleep.  I am already dressed in the travel kit when Leah wakes up
"Morning kid, did you get any sleep last night?" Shes rubbing her eyes still half asleep
"I got an hour or so, I've never had a problem sleeping before a game before even big finals I don't know why this is different"
"It's always different playing for England you feel the pressure of the whole country's expectations on you, even when they are being nothing but supportive. But you have to remember you earned your position and have proven yourself good enough to be starting today, I'll be there with you so deep breaths and happy thoughts"  she drags herself out of bed and over to me
"You really are a great captain you know that right, I see how much everyone looks up to you" I pull her into a hug and feel her relax into me, she must be feeling the pressure more than most
"Only because im taller than most of them"  I pull away to look into her eyes and then give her a quick kiss on the cheek
"Shut up and take the compliment"  she smiles but I can see in her eyes she doesn't fully believe what I'm saying
"Thank you, now I should get ready big day ahead"  she kisses the top of my head and heads to the bathroom to get ready.

Once we are both ready to go we walk out into the hallway the same time that Less and Tooney leave their room.
"Moooorning, so y/n you excited?"  Tooney is quickly becoming a very close friend of mine, everything sounds better in her accent
"Excited sure, little nervous"  Leah let's out a scoff and tries to cover it with a cough, we all look at her for an explanation.
"Come on you kept me up most of the night with your tossing and turning" 
" wow must have been bad if you heard it from your bed Leah"  crap! It's fine we can play this off,  I look to Leah who is a little wide eyed after her slip up, down to me to act normal then I guess
" Yeah I think the rustling of the sheets annoyed her but I couldn't help it"  the two girls accept the answer easily, maybe we are just being paranoid that people will read into everything we say and do.

We head to breakfast and sit down with Kiera and Lucy as Tooney forgot something in her room so had to head back.
"Y/n no offence but you don't look like you got a lot of sleep" Kiera doesn't pussyfoot around the truth
"Thanks mate I thought I looked okay today"
"You look great, you can sleep on the coach it's a 1.5 hour trip to the stadium"  " Thanks Leah, just need to make sure we don't sit near Jill or I'll never get to sleep"
Everyone laughs at that, we all love her but she has so many stories to tell.
"So Leah did you break your prematch rule is that why Y/n is tired?" Kiera whispers across the table
"KIERA" Leah and Lucy both say a little louder than either expected, luckily everyone is talking so it's loud in here
"What? I'm only messing" Leah shoots her a hard glare
"What prematch rule?" I can't be the only one not to know
"It's nothing"
"She has a th.."
"Kiera stop talking"
I look to Leah and give her  mild puppy dog eyes  "please?"
"Okay you can tell her but no follow up questions"
"Damn y/n thats the first time I've seen her back down on something she doesn't want to talk about she must really like you" Lucy whispers to me so that the other two can't hear as they mutter amongst themselves about what Leah gets to tell Lucy in return as payback and by Kieras reaction it's much worse than what she's about to tell me.
" you wouldn't dare"
" maybe I will maybe I won't but you brought it on yourself, tell her if you want to"
"Fine, Leah has a no sex the day before a game rule, she thinks it makes your reactions slower"  I had heard about men doing this before games but never women, it doesn't make a lot of sense to me but I see Leah go red and look a little embarrassed
" That makes sense to me, I guess, if you believe it then I'll honour it"
Kiera makes fake gagging sounds which make me laugh
" ohh Lucy have I ever shown you the picture of Kiera in a bright pink frilly dress when she was younger?"
The two of them squabble over secrets they could tell me and Lucy to embarrass the other and can't keep the smile off my face I'm so glad they know the truth so Leah doesn't have to lie to her best friend 

I did magange to get some sleep on the coach and felt ready by the time we pulled up, Leah was taken away to do prematch captain shit which sounds super boring to me so I went with the rest of the girls to look at the pitch and do some small warm ups. The crowd was already starting to make its way in by the time we headed to the changing room. We had to change into our actual warm up kits before heading back out to a now nearly full arena. We ran our usual drills loosening up and getting our minds switched on to game mode.  As we were heading back in Sarina pulled me to the side " I just wanted a quick chat to tell you that you're ready for this and I trust you to get the job done" 
"Thank you I will do everything I can to get the win for the team"
" i know you will, but remember to enjoy the game as well take in the moment"
"I'll try to"

I havent had a chance to speak to Leah yet but catch her in the changing room as everyone is leaving for the tunnel
" want to make a little deal before we head out" she watches me from across the room as I tie up my laces
"I'm interested keep talking"
"Well you know i have the rule for before a match, I don't have any rules for after"  this stops me in my tracks and I look up to see her smirking at me
"Ohh now you have my full attention, what kind of deal are we talking about"
"If you score in the game and we win then you can do anything you want to me tonight"  I just stare at her mouth open for a couple of seconds
" deal " easiest decision I have ever made
"We must win and you must score for it to be valid"
" what if we win and I don't score" obviously the option of us losing isn't a possibility
" then I get to do whatever I want to you"
I stand up and walk towards her
" you know im going to score right and we're going to win and then I'm going to have you begging to cum"
Now it's her turn to stare open mouthed, I step on tip toes and kiss her
"Better get moving I have a game to win"

The game is going our way as we are currently 2-0 up at 60 mins, I have been marked so heavily that I have barely managed to touch the ball but that has freed up Less and Meado to score.  The ref blows for a corner which means so I make my way back to defend but catch Leah in the process
"Tik toc,  havent got much time left, I have some fun things in mind for when I win the bet"  I'm not letting her get into my head so I move to mark the player I'm assigned to. They cross the ball in but is headed away by Millie bright and I start running back to my position as Leah has the ball at her feet she starts striding out into space ahead of her is a midfielder blocking her way so she has a choice to pass to me or to Mead.  She looks up and smiles at me as her foot makes contact sending the ball above the player in front of her I continue my run and the ball falls perfectly a couple feet in front of me, I run onto it and I can see that Beth was tripped by her defender so that leaves mine and the goal keeper to beat. I keep running and cut into the middle of the pitch, the defender though I would go wide so is caught wrong footed for a second I see my opportunity and put as much power as u can into the shot. The keeper gets a glove to it but only managed to soften the shot not stop it. I hear the crowd erupt before I see the goal went it as the defender blocked my eye line. The team come and  celebrate with me and Leah brings me to a hug so she can whisper in my ear
"You're lucky I spotted that girl marking Beth in time, otherwise you wouldn't have gotten the goal"
" yeah yeah all talk now, we'll see later"
The celebrations die down and a few minutes later the final whistle blows

Leah walks around the pitch congratulating the team and thanking fans as I am pulled to an interview
"Wow y/n 2 goals in 2 games how does it feel?"
"It feels amazing I couldn't have done it without the support from the team and Sarina"
"It seemed like you were on a mission to get a goal tonight did you have something to prove?"
"I just wanted the win so badly"
"Well done I assume you will be celebrating tonight, can you tell us how?"
" Thank you, we will celebrate the win but keep focused on the next game! In terms of how, Leah williamson owes me dessert"

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