~First Rival~

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(Y/N)'s pov)

"Hanako~kun please slow down"I tried keeping up with the shorter boy dragging me...
"O-oh right!... sorry about that (Y/N)
~chan, I'm just super excited to have lunch with you!"Hanako beamed, slowing his steps down...

 sorry about that (Y/N)~chan, I'm just super excited to have lunch with you!"Hanako beamed, slowing his steps down

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"My sister will be joining us with her friend ,I hope you don't mind (Y/N)
"I don't mind haha..." I let out a nervous laugh...
"Don't worry!, I'll be next to you the hole time" his smile made me feel a slightly better...
Hanako opens the doors to the rooftop and starts walking to the two ,I keep sure to stay close behind him as he held my hand...
Ayato's Senpai and a boy with bright orange hair,who was shouting at the poor girl....

"Big sis! ,Najimi!"Hanako ran over to the two dragging me behind him...
"Ah Hanako your finally here!"
Taeko~Senpai smiles at her brother....
I tried to hide behind Hanako, sadly to my luck she spotted me anyways....
"Who's this Hanako?"she asked sweetly...

"This is (Y/N) she's my first friend, she's  in the same class as me!"Hanako gently pushed me Infront of him...
I smiled shyly"I'm (Y/N) Aishi, it's nice to meet you"...
"Aishi? Isn't that the weirdo boy form class?"the angry orange asked rudely...
'I don't think Ayato needs to worry about this jerk, how could anyone wanna date this guy, he's so rude....'i thought to myself, trying to hide the slight angry starting to brun inside me...

"Yes he's my older brother..."I see Taeko~Senpai punch him in the arm and whispering something to him ....
"Ow! Anyway my name's Osano Najimi but just call me by my frist name or whatever"Osano~senpai huffed...
We all sat down and started eating,I spotted Ayato watching from the corner of my eye before noticing Taeko~Senpai reach down to hold her stomach...

"Taeko~Senpai are you all right!?"I asked but she stood up and ran away without saying anything...
Hanako and Osano watched shocked, Osano picked up the bento looking at it...

"I'm going to check if Taeko~Senpai ok I'll be back"I said running to check on Taeko...


(In the bathroom with Taeko)

I held her hair back as she was sick...
"Are you alright?"I asked slightly worried for her...
"I'll be fine,I think I just need to lay down for a bit"she smiled...
"But I don't get it osano's food is usually really good...." Taeko said...
"Maybe it went bad well in his desk?"I lied...


(???'s pov)

'Man she's not here...I really wanted to talk to her again' he thought to himself as he looked up at the pink cherry tree...

I really wanted to talk to her again' he thought to himself as he looked up at the pink cherry tree

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'I can't get her out my head...'

The boys hand quickly shot to his mouth to cover his coughing...
"Aso~senpai, are you sure your alright?, you've been coughing all day?"a worried boy asked... 
"Yay maybe you should go to the Infirmary just incase?..."another worried voice said...


Aso now lay in his bed,tanned arm over his eyes, face flushed slightly.....
"Man! why did I have to get so sick when I just met such a cute girl....grhh!!!"Aso groaned quietly to himself...

He could remember how cute the younger girl was, as the wind blowed her dark hair, the way her cute wide tired eyes looked up at him...

he wanted to go back to brush that stray hair away from her cute tired face....


(607 words)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20, 2023 ⏰

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